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  1. SouthernN'Proud

    Bush may have found a way..

    Minkster, when you're right, you're right. :headbang:
  2. SouthernN'Proud


    So. I wanna ask a question at this point. Let's play us a little game of what if. What if the good law abiding folk on this grand jury hear this testimony and return indictments against this presumed innocent shitbag. Then say a criminal court jury hears the rest of the evidence...
  3. SouthernN'Proud


    Or Jefferey Dahmer.
  4. SouthernN'Proud

    Bush may have found a way..

    Nothing wrong with it, and I didn't mean to imply that there was. My intent was to point out that so many of the unemployed won't take the job, so illegals get it. Several years ago when I worked in a different county, there was also a Tyson plant there. The eldest son of one of the city's...
  5. SouthernN'Proud

    Nobody move! I've got a tee shirt and I know how to use it!

    Can we make exception if said tshirt is wet?
  6. SouthernN'Proud

    Bush may have found a way..

    They's still turnips that need apickin'. And around these parts they's plenty of chicken processin plants like Tyson. Nasty work that pays about a dime over minimum wage. Some of 'em are bein shut down for too many illegals workin there.
  7. SouthernN'Proud

    Write a caption

    "Kids these days, I swear to Gawd. I told 'em to wash the car. They decided to line dry it too."
  8. SouthernN'Proud

    Nobody move! I've got a tee shirt and I know how to use it!

    *misses his KISS tour shirts what burned up*
  9. SouthernN'Proud


    Re: Any chance this dead horse will wake up? Wrong. 2007 article Just imagine if he'd been where he should have been. In jail.
  10. SouthernN'Proud

    Happy CMD

    Since I won't be near a puter tomorrow, I'll get this in tonight. June 3 is Confederate Memorial Day. Join me in pausing to pay tribute to the brave men who had the balls to stand up and fight for what they believed in and to defend hearth and home from invasion. Gentlemen, your honor...
  11. SouthernN'Proud

    101 Things About Me Now™

    Of course not silly. She's's O'Time.
  12. SouthernN'Proud

    Recession? We don' need no steenkeen recession!

    If you're willing to eat gravy out of a bag mixed by some acne-infested 11th grader who washed his hands sometime last month, go right ahead. A little flour, some shortening (if needed, depends on y'sausage) and some milk ain't that expensive. Magically, biscuits is flour, shortening and milk...
  13. SouthernN'Proud

    Recession? We don' need no steenkeen recession!

    Typical short term thinking. Perfect example of precisely why the market is where it is. RECIPE FOR CHAOS One part greedy banking industry One part shallow consumer One part spoiled rotten buyer One part overextended "put it on the MasterCard" credit philosophy One part Gimme Gimme...
  14. SouthernN'Proud

    Strange bedfellows

    So's Sting from what I hear. His whiny little candy-ass still sells records though.
  15. SouthernN'Proud

    For the Lone Star Lady of Acceleration

    D'ja get free coffee yet?
  16. SouthernN'Proud

    For the Lone Star Lady of Acceleration

    ...or TRL as some of us know her. :) Wishing you a joyous celebration of the anniversary of your birth, with all related rights priviledges and honors thereunto associated, and all that kind of stuff. Hope you have a great day! :winkkiss:
  17. SouthernN'Proud

    Strange bedfellows

    Strutter '78 The original doesn't have a year on the title.
  18. SouthernN'Proud

    What are you listening to right now?

    Sin's A Good Man's Brother - Gov't Mule
  19. SouthernN'Proud

    Write a caption

    "Well the first time that I got it I was just eight years old, Got it from some kitty next door..."
  20. SouthernN'Proud

    Strange bedfellows

    I'll stick with Deuce m'self if I had to hear just one. Fortunately, I can hear more than just one though. Life's been good to me in that regard. Hey, it beats watchin' two tons o'Tipper waddling around onstage while Fleetwood friggin Mac wafted out of the speakers.