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  1. Nixy


    Is there anything that you need for your house that you keep forgetting to get every time you go to the store but it's not a big enough deal to make a special trip for it? I need 2 AAA batteries for my DVD remote. I have needed AAA batteries for the remote for literally YEARS but I forget...
  2. Nixy

    Electronics Stores

    So, I'm going to be traveling through the states over New Years and plan to buy a TV when I'm there (26" LCD likely). I need to know what the electronics stores with the best prices are. Thx
  3. Nixy

    Wii posting!

    I downloaded the internet channel for my wii! I am posting from it on my tv right now! hehe
  4. Nixy


    My car got broken into last night, I was parking in the underground parking of my building. Apparently 4-5 total got broken into last night (and that was only what was reported at 8:30am this morning). I am SO frustrated and angry. Car is in getting fixed now (front passenger window was smashed...
  5. Nixy

    Guess Who

    Someone has/had a dancing stickman in their signature...who is it? I don't know the answer to this question, I'm looking for the link to the dancing stick man so I can use it somewhere else.
  6. Nixy

    Luis G!!!!

    So, first hand, how bad is the swine flu really? Are a lot of people sick? Has daily life changed at all because of people trying to avoid becoming sick?
  7. Nixy

    Where do you live?

    You can share as much or as little information as you want in this thread, but what I'm really looking for is pics of your living quarters. I think it gives real insight into a person's true personality. I recently made a facebook album with pics of my apartment so thought I'd upload the pics...
  8. Nixy


    Hey Prof! So, it's after 2pm there by now, what did you have for lunch? When the kettle boils I'm going to eat some delicious spicey noodles. It made me think of you, thought I'd say hi :D
  9. Nixy

    Polarized Sunglasses

    So, I was sure there was a thread about this very topic (or a thread that spoke to this very topic) where Prof and I had a bit of a back and forth about sunglasses and why he thought the last pair I bought (almost 3 years ago) should have been polarized. Well, I just bought new prescription...
  10. Nixy


    It's that time of year! I noticed Tonks had hers up before me, kudos to her :)
  11. Nixy

    Reef Tank

    I got a reef tank today! I am so excited! I bought it from a guy who already had it established so it's full of all kinds of awesome corals. I need to organize the tank still, it's a mess right now. Pics will come soon. Who else here has tanks? Fresh or salt water? Any favourite tank...
  12. Nixy

    I may be in trouble...BIG trouble

    My mom and I had photos taken in May (I was half her age from Dec 13/2007 to Aug 12/2008 and we thought that was photo worthy). Well, the pics weren't ready before she left to go back to Ont so I picked them I can't find them ANYWHERE...if I don't find them I'm gonna get my first ass...
  13. Nixy

    Hiking The Rockies

    Well, as some of you know I'm starting to live a healthier and more active life these days. I've changed my eating habits considerably over the last couple months and have started exercising more. Today I went for a hike and for the first time actually reached the summit of the mountain. This is...
  14. Nixy

    Am I the only one...

    ...who sees the similarities?
  15. Nixy

    Mac vs PC

    So, I'm in the market for a new laptop. I'm looking to spend about $1000 before taxes and such. I am torn between a Mac or a PC though. The basic MacBooks run $1149 but I could get the student discount and pay about $1050. I've identified two PC laptops at $999 each (one is LG one is Sony Vaio)...
  16. Nixy

    Wireless to Wired?

    Ok, can buy wireless internet in you don't a traditional wired modem. Now, if someone wanted to turn that wireless signal into a wired home network (say for an Xbox that doesn't pick up wireless internet) is there a hub or router that converts a wireless signal into a...
  17. Nixy

    Daylight Savings Time

    Can the board be fixed for the new DST dates? It still seems to be going by the old dates.
  18. Nixy


    Soooo I am going to learn how to ski this weekend (or try to learn how to ski I should say). Please pray for me to return home without any major injuries... So, yeah, I'm gone until Monday afternoon...don't fret, I'll be back.
  19. Nixy

    An interesting thought

    I just realized dad, my brother and I all called my dog by nicknames...her name was Gizmo but we often called her "Giz" "Gizzy" "Gizzy-Goo" "Giz-e-mo" mom however always called her "Gizmo". My mom hates nicknames, and even though she didn't really care too much for the dog she...
  20. Nixy

    Congrats, 15k!!!

    YAY ME! Apparently Inky noticed, he pointed it out to me on MSN...but I guess he didn't care enough to post me a congrats thread...:trout: