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  1. Juggernaut

    what do you want for christmas?

    My CHL
  2. Juggernaut

    Terrorist Ted & Speedie Gore

    Reaction 1
  3. Juggernaut

    2005 BBQ possibilities.

    Hhhmmm, not that far for me to drive.
  4. Juggernaut

    weee, more speed :D :D

    Speed 2.2 megabits per second Communications 2.2 megabits per second Storage 268.5 kilobytes per second 1MB file download 3.8 seconds Subjective rating Great The only reason I come to work.
  5. Juggernaut


    Hey I saw this story and thought of you.,1413,36~53~2177173,00.html
  6. Juggernaut

    Rest in peace Katie (Aunty Em's daughter)

    Damn. I have two kids myself. I cant imagine your pain. I am truly sorry for your loss. i
  7. Juggernaut

    She's wearing her angel wings..

    I am sorry for your loss.
  8. Juggernaut


    Sorry to hear.
  9. Juggernaut

    Favorite One-Liners?

    As soon as I get through with you, you'll have a clear case for divorce and so will my wife. Also Marx
  10. Juggernaut

    a tribute to ice cream

    dulce de leche - caramel flavored ice cream with a caramel swirl
  11. Juggernaut

    How much do you hate me?

    I am always close by. I just never post much over here. You can usually find me over at cat's place. Although, big weekend coming up.
  12. Juggernaut

    How much do you hate me?

    SUP? I was a wondering what happened to you.
  13. Juggernaut

    80gb Hard drive for THREE BUCKS?!

    website says 74.95 now
  14. Juggernaut

    i want a cigarette.

    Cool, I can have cookies while I smoke.
  15. Juggernaut

    Prozac works!

    Try Zoloft. It is a miracle drug.
  16. Juggernaut

    Lets play word association

  17. Juggernaut

    What are you listening to right now?

    flourescent lighting
  18. Juggernaut

    Where were your children born?

    Houston, TX at the Hospital
  19. Juggernaut

    Happy Birthday juggernaut

    Thank You, Thank You.
  20. Juggernaut

    why do liquor shops have yellow lights??

    Are you talking about outside, inside?? Lot of people have yellow lights so as to not attract bugs but it isnt required. Heck, I have then outside my house. I know Oklahoma has requirements on how big the sign can be but anything goes here.