weee, more speed :D :D

I was on 512kbps and I just noticed the speed increase.

We all get excited with more speed :D :D
Luis G said:
I was on 512kbps and I just noticed the speed increase.

We all get excited with more speed :D :D

More speed is always a goord thing. Demand more more more MORE :beardbng:
winky showed me this little ditty, Dual WAN w/ load balancing. (or the balaancing in Win2k3 werks too)

I have seriously been considering about giving Dual-Cable a try.


It would be plenty fast to serve massive games and/or websites from home.


The site
Would that say... work with DSL in one port and cable in the other? If it could, then I could get my brother to pay for cable. Man the things we could do with that kind of bandwidth.

Actually, I was thinking of getting my brother to go in with me on a T1. :D
I'm happy with my internet speed, I can watch two streaming porn vids at once, what more do you need? My next expenditure will be in the processor, still running an XP 1800. Probably bump it up to an XP2400. That's the highest I can go with the current mb.
hey Luis...

I'm still faster :devious: * points and laughs*


I like Kruz's link better tho


  • untitled.JPG
    61.9 KB · Views: 14
  • untitled.JPG
    53 KB · Views: 15
2.2 megabits per second

Communications 2.2 megabits per second
Storage 268.5 kilobytes per second
1MB file download 3.8 seconds
Subjective rating Great

The only reason I come to work.
I don't remember what my DSL is supposed to be, but it's the most basic. I think like 384-768 down, 128 up or something like that. Anyways, I'd say 1022kbps, 125KB/sec isn't too bad for $26.95 a month.
1024/512 ADSL here, for 35 euro's per month. around 40 USD...a lot more expensive here :( have to upgrade soon bu the way...