Search results

  1. rh71

    NY DMV registration

    not sure how many NY'kers are on this board so I thought I'd ask anyway... Does the cost of your registration fee (2 years) depend on the type of vehicle ? (ie. SUV vs. 4-cylinder econobox) ? An SUV costs $55 but an Eagle Talon costs $35. I just want to make sure it's not an error on their part.
  2. rh71

    labor day weekend question

    We're trying to plan a wedding date and one of the only Saturdays left for where we want is 9/4/04. Some other places had 9/5 (Sunday) instead. 1) Would you guys attend a wedding that weekend (what's the likelihood you'd already be doing something or want to do something else then) ? 2)...
  3. rh71

    employment / taxes

    Say I work for company A. I also do freelance web design on my own. I've signed a non-compete agreement when I got hired with company A, but I really only do freelance for the extra cash on the side and not as a business of my own. A client for my freelance work wants to file tax form...
  4. rh71

    Honda Accord fuel/tranny problems

    I don't know if this is a place for car problem troubleshooting, but I'm completely at a loss for what's going on so here goes (please move if inappropriate here): Sporadically on local roads, the car doesnt seem to accelerate past 1st gear and at idle it seems to want to quit but never does...
  5. rh71

    home heating oil usage...

    Gone through half a tank (couple hundred gallons capacity) in 2 weeks... is that bad for the dead of winter ? I only keep it at 68F for about 5 hours per day... the last 2 weeks... and it's used 100+ gallons ? Something wrong with this picture or no ? <-- first time homeowner.
  6. rh71

    home office desk

    Anyone know of any good deals or at least good places to find a desk for a home office ? I'm into the "U" shaped desks with the peninsulas and looking to spend as much as $200... $300 if need be. I know it's not a lot, but I have a whole rest of the house to furnish too. BTW, a hutch is not...