0bama Names Transgender Appointee to Commerce Department

That Gal in the white hat sure fills up them thar jeans
in a right prudy manner.
...he tends to ignore the biological factors re: Sex in favour of sex and sexual identity as merely a mental state. It's the same argument as that which can be found in the 'homosexuality is a choice' discussions.

Yes, there is XX and XY, but there is also YY, XXY XXXY etc...
cut me dick off

I agree with him that any guy that wants his pee pee
lopped off ain’t right in the head.
Hell yeah its a clear cut case of Krazy:
"no guy in his right mind would want his little guy cut off!"
trufax; if you can rationalize off your peter, who knows what other insanity are you capable of rationalizing?

obviously, in some cases, the granting of a peter (and reproductive powers) is a mistake of nature. and no, i don't mean the appointee. i mean the folks that would turn a beautiful little tabula rasa into a screeching moron that clings to guns and religion.
LOL, yeah its always better to celebrate biological failures and worship that which defies 2-million years of common sense.

I'm with you brother, lets put on the blind-folds and run though forest.
if you think the gender ideology that you hold is two million years old... there's countless historical examples of societies... meh, fuck it. yeah, your way is the way god always wanted it, it's perfect and natural, the way it should be blah blah fucking blah.
yeah the greeks they did horrible. democracy and all. oops aristophanes slipped on a banana peel.

200 years from now when america no longer exists, maybe they'll look back and comment on the foolishness of the traditional american gender ideology, huh?

adapt or die, bitchez.
0bama Names a real sick fuck as an Appointee to Commerce Department

"adapt or die, bitchez"

If true, we won't have to worry about dudes that chop off their junk
or ram it up the poopchute, those affectations aren’t conducive to procreation.
oh winky... but it's also those dangerous ideas that get passed just as easily as sperm up the love chute.

uncle karl had a fucking litter of 7 but they don't matter at all compared to his intellectual achievements and influence.

break your chains, sister abdullah. get tranny fever. cuz they're hot.

(okay i'm obviously kidding at this point...)