0bama's Focus on Priorities: 2016 Chicago Olympics

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It sounds as if the only two Olympic cities to make money in decades...LA & Utah (both privately run)
Yeah, 2016 rights is also privately ran........with a potential of billions unt billions..

Who owns the rights to Chi-2016?
Over ten million dollars to fly Michelle(-my-belle) in her plane, closely followed by AF1, AF2 (let's not get technical) & the assorted transports for Secret Service & his limo entourage.

Can he now get back to Afghanistan?
What would you like us to do in Afghanistan?

You would be great as a sand-bag. Who's going with you?

.....but seriously spike; what would you like to see happen with our military/political situation in Afghanistan -AND- How do you see us achieving your vision in Afghanistan.
Didn't I ask that question?
No, you just avoided my question.

you asked said:
What would you like us to do in Afghanistan?

I thought I would ask you something a little more specific and see if you actually had an opinion of your own.

I notice a pattern where you don't really ever have your own thoughts, its always *something else*
What would you like us to do in Afghanistan?


At the moment, I'd like to seee our Commander in Chief quit playing saleman & get to commanding. His #1 in charge asked for troops many weeks back. Obama has been seen on TV several times & at the UN (making friends with Manuel Noriega), cutting commercials for his hollywood friends & flying off on a tangent to make his buddies rich (is that all there is to it? no wonder you guys said that so much)

here, I'll even break my own code & let you read abuot the General on the commie news network
No, I checked again and I had asked the question.
I'm very intrested in your thoughts on the matter so I'll go ahead and ask you again since Gonz already answered your question.

What would you like to see happen with our military/political situation in Afghanistan -AND- How do you see us achieving your vision in Afghanistan.
I was hoping for an answer from Gonz first.

Obviously what we've been doing for the last 8 years hasn't worked. So I think we ought to reevaluate what the goals are. The Pashtun we're often fighting used to only worry about local tribes, now they see the US as an enemy.

I'd like to see a clear achievable plan and I am not seeing that now. Otherwise we should probably withdraw most of the troops to strategic zones watching for any return of Al Qaeda and use non-military methods to devalue the Taliban.
I'd like to see a clear achievable plan and I am not seeing that now. Otherwise we should probably withdraw most of the troops to strategic zones watching for any return of Al Qaeda and use non-military methods to devalue the Taliban.
I have to give you credit here spike, you have more of plan than the Commander in Chief.
That looks like it stings.


And ... it's a dead issue. Evidently videos of white kids being beaten to death and the president (who claims that city as his 'home town') conspicuously remaining silent on the issus (even tho he couldn't wait to spew when it was a black man being hassled by a white cop) might just bother some of the international community.
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