
New Member

A man goes to the doctor's.

"You've got to help me doc. I can't stop singing the green, green grass of home."
"Hmmmmmmmmmm...." says the doc. "Sounds like you've got Tom Jones syndrome"
"Oh NO!" says the guy "Is this common?"
"Well" says the doc "It's not unusuaalll!"


1 down 100 to go......



New Member

A cheese sandwich walks into a pub and orders a pint.
Barman says "piss-off mate, we don't serve bar food"


New Member

Adam is sitting alone in the garden of Eden, he's fed up and lonely.
He goes to God and explains his situation. "well" said God "I've got good news and bad news, the good news is I can get you whats called a woman. She'll cook, clean, cuddle and basically do anything else you want her to. She'll be perfect in every way"
"Great!" says Adam "whats the bad news?".
God looks grim "she'll cost you an arm and a leg".
"Blimey!" says Adam "thats a bit steep, what can I get for a rib?"


Now THATS comedy!


molṑn labé
Staff member
The first one is cute but those who have no idea who TJ is or what he sings will be lost