15 Brits arrested by Iran

The line in the sand continues to move ever westward.

"I dare you to cross this line".

"Okay, I dare you to cross this line".

"I dare you to cross this line".

"I double dog dare you to cross this line".

Hey, isn't that the Eiffel Tower?

Its France. Who cares?
Hostile actions require hostile retaliations.

I suppose the question then is who took hostile actions first? If an Iranian diplomat was taken hostage are you saying they were justified in their hostile retaliation?

Unusual for you to be defending Iran like that.
If the Iranian diplomat was not on Iranian soil or ws not traveling with diplomatic immunity, then it's justifiable. The British sailors were in Iraqi waters.
If the Iranian diplomat was not on Iranian soil or ws not traveling with diplomatic immunity, then it's justifiable.

Was that the case? The British sailors were not on British soil or travelling with diplomatic immunity. Are you saying that taking the sailors was justifiable then?

The British sailors were in Iraqi waters.

Maybe, or maybe they were in Iranian waters. Seems likely they might have been in "disputed" waters.

They sure weren't in British waters.
Keep defending them spike. I'm sure that Wantsajihadman appreacites it.
The British sailors were in Iraqi waters.

***EDIT*** - OOPS - i misread that as @iranian waters' - oops again - sorry - original post below unaltered-



If you want to defend this assertion - i'll be happy to play ball-

but remember no matter how hot this might get - it is not personal Gonz - ok?

.. perhaps Bush was lying - as you apparently imply here? :shrug:

oh.. and the US navy too?
anyway -

here's my take for what it is worth -

firstly - well stage-managed ( By Iran)

no two ways.

... of course that is a double-edged sword in itself!

But we'll see ...


The most significant thing i noticed went right to the highest level here -

Blair at Downing street making a very 'careful Political statement' to the World's press -

"thanks to the EU, UN and (with diplomatic guardedness) to iran - "


That was incredibly telling - i cannot under-estimate how that is going down and being agreed with.

.. Forgive me - this ain't personal - but it speaks TOTAL Volumes-

what a total US fuck -up :grumpy:

This will not be forgotten - and with the best will in the World - SHAME ON YOU!

THERE IS A LOT BEHIND THE SCENES HERE - and the word is, i am hearing, potentially a serious breach of relationships.

Thanks- but no thanks.

You guys are so insular - you put at risk real genuine friendhship and joint-loyalty.

and that, to me personally - doesn't seem a great idea.

I must say - you push our 'goodwill' too far - and this really brings it to the fore even, and especially at the highest levels.

... good move guys!

Fuck the UK -

ok - we are not without limits -

and you don't even seem to recognise you have pushed that particular button-

... interesting time ahead eh? :D

Best BB (to the real people here rather than your approach on this)
anyway -

here's my take for what it is worth -

firstly - well stage-managed ( By Iran)

no two ways.

... of course that is a double-edged sword in itself!

But we'll see ...

That's what some are saying:

We'll have to see what actually happened behind the scenes in the welcome release of British soldiers before we can figure out who blinked and when. But the spectacle today is one of Ahmadinejad milking the moment for all its worth. The public apologies by the sailors, the choreographed television shots, the use of the word "detainee" to describe the Brits, and the Easter "gift:" this is all propaganda for the Tehran thugocracy. Ahmadinejad has used the Revolutionary Guards to buttress his domestic support with this spectacle, but he may have had to make some concessions internally.

We'll see. But I don't see how the U.S. benefits from this fiasco in any way. Tehran successfully weaned Britain away from its ally, the U.S., and its EU partners, proved how alienated the British public is from the war in Iraq and the U.S. administration, managed to look more humane in prisoner treatment than the U.S. and distracted from the growing international pressure on Tehran's nuclear ambitions. That's a pretty shrewd set of moves, though it pains me to say so.


It is simply very difficult for the US - especially the pro-Bush brigades - to invoke the Geneva Conventions in the British-Iran case after the contempt they have shown for Geneva these past few years. This is blowback time. It was always going to come, and now we see it. O'Reilly should not be angry at someone defending Geneva; he should be furious that the Bush administration has handed the enemy such an obvious propaganda coup.

If you want to defend this assertion - i'll be happy to play ball-

I'm not sure where you're coming from. This is all over the press here. We're not screwing the UK. I don't see anything but support for the British sailors.

Let's start with a level playing field.

What's the problem?

forgive me Spike - i am short on patience - (generally)

what are you actually saying?

Do me the basic respect between 2 people - OK???? - for Fucks sake - and put whatever idea or point you are maiking into 2 or 3 sentences as YOU want to word it.

No offence - but if you can't articulate YOUR OWN THOUGHTS - in your own words - don't bother.

(and i genuinely DO NOT mean that in a bad way - ok???? - please just if you mean stuff- take the time to write your own thoughts and ideas - you know??
I for one would appreciate it!)

Is that too much too ask?


show some godaam respect for anyone and everyone - real people - real lives!!

and maybe you'll get it back!

yours, sincerely and also with respect, genuinely -

I'm not sure where you're coming from. This is all over the press here. We're not screwing the UK. I don't see anything but support for the British sailors.

Let's start with a level playing field.

What's the problem?

oops - the pressures of life and the - er??... 'pleasures' of Booze-


-hopefully you have already seen my earlier '***edt***' on that -

plain truth - i was on the phone and also typing and - simply misread it! *sorry* :shrug:

what are you actually saying?

You said:

here's my take for what it is worth -

firstly - well stage-managed ( By Iran)

I quoted that bit so you could see what I was referring to.

Then I said:

That's what some are saying:

In other words, I have heard other people say something along the same lines as what you said in the bit I quoted above.

Then I posted examples of stuff I read that seemed to agree with the bit of yours that I quoted.

Not sure where the confusion came from or what the lack of respect you mentioned was all about. I was actually supporting your point.

sorry guys- its 2am and i REALLY need a coffee -

not to say i don't completely support whatever i wrote before - barring the mis-reading of 'iraq' and 'iran'

but i have frankly lost where you two are at *embaressed*

i have the ' International emergency planning' guys in tommorow - and it ain'yt even on the system yet - :shrug: :eek5:

so - lack of sleep and yet happy bank manager-syndrome sadly! :hmm:

er- hope that helps - and have fun!

best, BB