2,000 posts pour moi!

Erm, I don't know whether to congratulate you or suggest OT Anonymous! :clap: :confused:

I aspire to your greatness! :worship:
steweygrrrr said:
Ok now thats 1,000 to 2,000 in, what, a month? SOMEONE BOOK ME IN FOR THERAPY! :lloyd: :nerd: :lol2:

WTG Stewey but I really do have to share this with you.

from peterska2's profile

Joined: 8/12/03

Total Posts: 755 (75.86 posts per day)

Erm it's only the 22nd now and at this rate I'll be at the 1k mark by Monday.

In case you care thats 1000-755 (current posts) / 75 (posts per day) = 3.26 or just over 3 days.

I'll have passed Stewey within a month at this rate and that is if I keep constant but I've had a few quiet days in there too.
Yeah but im fitting a full time job in too....like you soon. I wasnt boasting or owt I just noticed. Like I said on my 1k milestone it took me a year and a half to reach that on another site I post on.
I got my 2.5 within 6 weeks of getaroom being set up and it is not a very busy site really.

On another site I generally don't get past the 10 posts mark anymore. Used to have over 1k on there and over 2k on another and that was just the main ID's