2005 BBQ possibilities.


New Member
OK, she thinks I'm nuts, but the wife's OK'd the idea of hosting a BBQ here in Atlanta next Spring or Summer. I'm thinking maybe Memorial Day weekend, but that's seriously negotiable.

We have plenty o' time, but be thinking about whether this might work for you, or propose a different schedule (July 4 is out, since that's the 10th anniversary of my Dad's death, and I think I want to be near my Mother and available). I'm not really writing anything in stone until probably early April, but let's see what the interest level is.
Most anytime is good with me as long as I have lead time to prepare for time off, pet and pool care.
oooh, nice...i might be in NY around that time...so if things go on, i'm sure i'll be looking at quite a roadtrip ;)

i wonder if Gonz would kill me directly if he sees me...lol
Shadowfax said:
oooh, nice...i might be in NY around that time...so if things go on, i'm sure i'll be looking at quite a roadtrip ;)

i wonder if Gonz would kill me directly if he sees me...lol
if you came to the Canadian one they wouldn't be armed ;)
I won't be there I wouldn't think...not in Atlanta...not with still having a year left off school at that time (and thus a year of tuition to pay)
thanks. now i have to count out my weekends to see if i'm slated to work or not....
I've always wondered how it is that we only have a trickle of members coming from places where you would expect the most ... NY, Cali, Boston.

We have/had more members from smaller enclaves than I would have expected... Atlanta, Mo-ray-al, Maryland, Hawai'i.

We need to expand our frontiers and recruit fresh blood from places that should be represented but are not: China, Japan, Germany. Is it the language barrier that is poison? ... the sociology?
The older generation are the jackbooters. Thier youth are the sexually repressed fetishist, spiky haired, death-metal worshipping, seldom bathing teens of the modern day... just like our own kids.