2006 BBQ Possibilities

I'd already bought my ticket by this time last year. Buying it this far in advance saves a lot of money (I found a ticket from LA for like $250) and knowing this far in advance makes getting time off a lot easier. It also makes it easier to plan financially.
Because waving off Ks because of finances wouldn't get much resistance. If it's in Ga again, and the missus finds out (which she certainly will because I'll mention it one day without thinking) everyone's gonna be out of sorts if we don't go.
Well, a little more encouragement prof....
You know you can camp here, and save some moneys. ;)
I say give it til Thurs at the latest and then someone make the official decission to move it. Bish emailed Cam last Thurs so that's a week to respond...
catocom said:
Well, a little more encouragement prof....
You know you can camp here, and save some moneys. ;)

Funny enough, that came up this weekend. She wasn't sure about coming your way ....

But the cost of the campsite wasn't all that much. $300 for three weeks. Hardly worth mentionning compared to the $1000+ in fuel.
Hey all!

Sorry for the lack of response lately....we're both slammed at work with long hours and weekends these days and we just dont have the time to plan something right now, much less coordinate everything online. :( Maybe in a month or so, but we realize everyone needs details now to plan for the future (vacation time, tickets, etc). We will have one over the summer, if anyone still wants to come to KS, but details are far off. Hopefully someone else can take up our slack and host the big '06. :)
Shit happens Jeff. HL nearly broke his leg during the last one.

So ..... Now what? We booking for Helen?
Well, I have been informed that our cottage is availiable for the 2007 BBQ. Provided that anyone wants to be in the same geological region with yours truely during that period of time, that is. Open dates are pretty much all summer, but St-Jean Baptist and Dominion Day weekends are premium. Housing for 4 couples should be easily accomodated. If more is needed, most of my neighbours are more than willing to open up a room or two. We might run into trouble if we go over 20 people. If anyone's wanting to try Bambi or moose, I'll need to know for certain for hunting season this year.