300 page iPhone bill

I'm concerned about the woman that claims she sends 30,000 text messages a month ---

She has no real life --- she exists only through her phone.
I'm a light texter... only about 3,000 a month or so.

By default, Verizon sends a simplified bill, while showing you an itemized statement online. I was glad when Verizon switched over so incoming calls are itemized too, with numbers, instead of just "incoming call."
You are a light texter? I pay for 50 a month, and never go over....

I have AT&T, but no iPhone, but their bills cover every detail. BTW, Verizon didn't change because they thought it would be nice, they changed because federal regulations mandated it.
I was being facetious a bit... thing is, when I got my text package, it came with 5,000... the next lower text plan was 1,500. It was cheaper to pay $5 more and have a few thousand unused texts than to get the lower plan and pay the overages.
I don't think I've sent more that 10 texts in my life. If I want to talk, I'll call you. LOL

For me, that's easier than trying to type using those damned little buttons.
How the hell do you send 30000 text messages in a month? On an 18 hour day that would be close to 1 text per minute. Even if you're group texting (which you can't do with the iphone) that's still shit load.
i love texting. i wish my friends had as awesome a texting plan as i do (i think i get unlimited for like $5/mo or something ridiculous like that), so that they could text me more instead of calling me. i hate talking on the phone.

my coworker got an iphone the day it got out, and i think it's the stupidest thing ever, for many reasons, including this, but every time i trash-talk it, she probably thinks it's just sour grapes.
Well, let me just say I'm with everybody else on the "WOW!" factor that sending 30,000 text messages in a month is even humanly possible.

I understand that there are times when the informality of text messages are nice, but when you are holding an hour long conversation, isn't it just easier to call? I harass my wife all the time because she'll text back and forth with one of her friends like 20 times trying to set up a lunch date or something. She always says, "She's at work," or something similar. At which point I just give a confused look and consign myself to an inability to understand the female logic.

I send maybe 5 a month. If somebody texts me with something that requires a response, I typically just call them back. I know, I'm crazy that way.
My gf is like ash. Hates to talk on the phone, but she'll text up a storm. So I got texting added to my phone. :laugh: That's how we talk and set up our dates and stuff.