39% Now Blame Bad Economy on 0bama’s Policies

Apparently, the only reason to criticize Booooooosh! is because there is no possibility to defend the current prez's actions.

The only reason to criticize Bush is for the fucked up thins he did. Current prez doesn't really need much defending.

Sure there's some crazies trying to scream "It's Obama's fault!" but they're kinda fringe and easy enough to smack down.
The only reason to criticize Bush is for the fucked up thins he did. Current prez doesn't really need much defending.

Sure there's some crazies trying to scream "It's Obama's fault!" but they're kinda fringe and easy enough to smack down.

And most of all they are wrong....

It is to be seen what effect his policies will have but he is not at all responsible for the mess, regardless of how many idiots think otherwise.
What do you think the percentage is that is his fault would be?

At 6 months in, I say he owns it!
When did "looks for all the world" start meaning that I'm speaking for the whole world?

Give him a break. It's the simple things in life that he seems to have been sheltered against.


18. for all the world,
a. for any consideration, however great: She wouldn't come to visit us for all the world.
b. in every respect; precisely: You look for all the world like my Aunt Mary.

I seem to recall having had little tiffs with both Jim and Cerise, particularly about the middle name and birth certificate things.

I can vouch for that.
The only reason to criticize Bush is for the fucked up thins he did. Current prez doesn't really need much defending.

Nationalization of the banks;

Nationalization of the mortgage industry;

Nationalization of the automobile industry;

Nationalization of the insurance industry;

Nationalization of the lending industry;

Proposed nationalization of the health care industry;

Trillions of dollars in new debt;

Trillions of dollars in deficit spending;

Printing money against no tangible equity;

Inflating the dollar to near worthlessness;

Monetizing debt (Paying off government debt by printing more money. Leads to inflation.);

Giving speeches overseas denouncing his own country;

Giving speeches liberally sprinkled throughout with the word "I";

Creating tens of thousands of dollars in debt for those yet to be born.

Nope. Nothing there that YOU could fault him for. No need to defend a record like that.

Now the rest of us .....
Nationalization of the banks;

Nationalization of the mortgage industry;

Nationalization of the automobile industry;

Nationalization of the insurance industry;

Nationalization of the lending industry

Nationalizing is completely inaccurate but I'm really glad he's trying to clean up the mess Bush made of the economy.

Proposed nationalization of the health care industry;

Hell yeah! 'bout time we caught up to other countries healthcare systems.

Oh and the healthcare should have been done long ago. About time.

Giving speeches overseas denouncing his own country;

Also inaccurate. I think you mean "truthfully owning up to mistakes that were made".

Pretty solid record so far.

Now this is something to be ashamed of....

Bush Failures

Consumers & Workers
o Limited Ability To Block Dangerous Imports
o FDA Enforcement Actions Way Down
o USDA Challenged Over Meat Safety
o Lack of Adequate Foreign Drug Oversight
o Problems in Oversight of Food Safety
o OSHA’s Laissez-Faire Attitude
o FDA Failure To Ensure Drug Safety
o Failure To Protect Consumers From Unsafe Products
o Oversight Collapse Leads To Mine Safety Issues
o Agricultural Quarantine Inspection Stumbles
o Eroding Budget Erodes Consumer Safety
o Lack of Quorum at the CPSC
Contracting & Workforce
o A Failure of Whistleblower Protection
o Labor Relations Authority: Low Morale, Backlogged Cases
o Contractors Failing Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan
o Human Capital Issues Plague Government
o Surge in Outsourcing Creates Problems in Performance, Oversight
o Chronic Understaffing at the EEOC
o No Child Left Behind: A Few Bumps in the Road
o Reading First: Scandalous and Ineffective
o Student Loan Scandal Costs Students
o Paralysis at the Federal Election Commission
o “McCain-Feingold” Fails To Solve Campaign Finance Problem
o Election Assistance Commission Has Not Met Mandates
Emergency Management
o Hurricanes Expose FEMA Woes
o FEMA Trailers Filled With Formaldehyde
o We Can’t Afford Another Flood
o SBA Emergency Assistance Failed for Katrina
o Flood “Protection” in New Orleans
o No Robust, Sustained Alternative Energy Policy
o Foreign Oil Dependence Has Grown
o Refinery Bottleneck Puts Squeeze on Gasoline Supply
o Move to a 21st Century Electricity Grid Is Stalled
o Unsustainable Medicare Spending
o Failure To Reform Social Security
o Social Security Disability Backlogs
o Climate Change: Hide the Assessment
o Failure To Advance Climate Change Policy
o EPA Deprives Public of Information on Toxics
o Science Policy Politicized
o Politicization at Department of Interior
o EPA Stalls on Perchlorate Regulation
o Mountaintop Coal Mining Alters Appalachia
o EPA and OMB Slow Toxic Chemical Risk Studies
o Scandal, Incompetence at Minerals Management Service
o EPA Misleads on Air Quality After 9/11 Attacks
o EPA Ignores Advisers on Particulate Matter Standards
o Everglade Restoration a Man-Made Disaster
o Superfund Program Loses Funding, Momentum
o Toxic Mercury From Coal Plants Unregulated
o Nuclear Waste Problem Unsolved
o EPA Fails To Put Children First
o Failure To Launch: Satellite Delays
o EPA’s Free Pass for Aging Power Plant Emissions
o Shaky Start for Troubled Asset Relief Program
o Skyrocketing Deficit
o Oversight Fails To Keep Pace With a Changed Market
o Lax Oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
o SEC Allows Investment Banks To Go Unregulated
o More Corporations Pay Less in Taxes
o Audit Rates of Rich Fall, Audits of Poor Spike
o Lack of Regs Fueled Accounting Scandal
o U.S. Companies Hiding Revenue Offshore
o Mismanagement and Cronyism at HUD
o Medicare Fraud Out of Control
o 45 Million Americans Without Health Insurance
Information Protection
o Failures in Cybersecurity
o Millions in Equipment Missing From Indian Health Service
o An Epidemic of Missing Laptops
Justice & Security
o Too Close to the Edge on Torture
o CIA Renditions Draw Controversy
o Politicization of Department of Justice
o Failure To Protect Sensitive Technology
o Arbitrary Detention at Guantanamo
o Osama bin Laden Still at Large
o Lack of Progress on Immigration Reform
o WMD Nonproliferation Needs More Attention
o National Security Agency Mismanages Info Technology
o $30 Billion Virtual Border Fence Faces Problems
o First Responders Still Can’t Communicate
o FBI Abuses Power To Request Personal Information
o Agencies Failed To Share Intelligence on 9/11 Terrorists
o Pakistan Remains an Al Qaeda Haven
o FBI Failure To Create a Modern Computer Network
o Nuclear Sites Lack Adequate Security
o Losing the Battle for Hearts and Minds
o DHS Still Getting Up to Speed
o Terrorist Watch List Mismanaged
o Poor Retention of Counterterrorism Staff
o Inability To Track Foreign Visitors to U.S.
o Lack of Due Process for Terrorism Suspects
o FBI Struggles To Confront Multiple Threats
o NORAD, FAA Unprepared for Aerial Attack
o U.S. Guns Arming Mexican Drug Cartels
o False Premise for Going to War
o Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal
o Mismanagement at National Reconnaissance Office
o Poor Health Care for Veterans
o Failure To Regulate Security Contractors
o Pentagon Office’s Misleading Intelligence
o Military Failure To Secure Iraq After Invasion
o Lack of Armored Protection for Troops
o Pentagon’s Slow Adaptation to a War-footing
o Inadequate Planning for Post-Invasion Iraq
o Failure To Secure Weapons in Iraq
o Mismanagement of Major Weapons Acquisitions
o Veteran Disability Claims Languish
o Delay in Opening U.S. Embassy in Iraq
o Air Force Failure To Maintain Nuclear Weapons Accountability
o Taliban Resurgence in Afghanistan
o 190,000 Missing Weapons in Iraq
o NASA Inspector General Lack of Oversight
o NASA’s Failure To Ensure Safety in Human Space Flight
o Massive Backlog at Patent Office
o Census 2010 Stumbles at the Starting Line
o FCC Chairman Martin Under Fire
o Failing To Modernize Air Traffic Control
o Human Fatigue in Transport Accidents Still Unaddressed
o Close Calls on the Runway
o FAA in the Dark on Maintenance
o Record Delays in Air Travel
o FAA Inspectors Cozy Up to Airlines
o Highway Funding Woes
White House
o Controversial Assertion of Executive Power
o Excessive Executive Secrecy
o Signing Statements Thwart Congressional Intent
o Vice President’s Office Exempts Itself From Information Safeguards
o Executive Office of the President “Loses” E-mails

So what is the consensus on the quality of the job BHO has done so far......percentage-wise?

I'm just asking: 51%? :shrug:

At 6 months in, I say he owns it!
Nationalizing is completely inaccurate but I'm really glad he's trying to clean up the mess Bush made of the economy.

Not according to Hugo Chavez who has nationalized numerous companies so he should know what nationalization is.

"Hey, Obama has just nationalized nothing more and nothing less than General Motors. Comrade Obama! Fidel, careful or we are going to end up to his right."
- Hugo Chavez, June 04, 2009



Hell yeah! 'bout time we caught up to other countries healthcare systems.

Paid for with what, by whom?

Oh and the healthcare should have been done long ago. About time.

Why the hurry to bankrupt the country?

Also inaccurate. I think you mean "truthfully owning up to mistakes that were made".

No it was an apology tour slamming his country. Hell, he apologized for WWII while Merkel watched astounded.

Pretty solid record so far.

Now this is something to be ashamed of....


Wow! Where did Bush find the time to do all of these things personally and autonomously? He surely must be Superman in disguise!

So all of those things have been magically fixed under Obama?

The products are now safe?

Outsourcing is down?

The kids are now learning and at par with the rest of the wotrld?

Election issues have now evaporated?

Obama will smite the clouds when the next hurricane appears on the horizon?

Foreign dependence is down because we are drilling here?

Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are flush with money and sustainable forever?

Taxing carbon will clean the air and encourage thriving business to join our economy?

The money "hiding off shore" will pay for all of Obama's programs and encourage companies to saty and invest in America?

Medicare fraud now non-existent?

Obama found all of those missing laptops?

NORAD, FAA now prepared for Aerial Attack now that Obama has proposed shutting down the missile interceptor program?

All the veterans are healthy without Obama even visiting them because he had to play basketball?

The census is now in control -- of ACORN.

Highway funding is flush with cash and those "shovel ready" projects are finished?

Obama has repealed the Presidential Executive Order and rescinded all of the ones he has issued?
About this much weight, possibly less....

Not according to Hugo Chavez who has nationalized numerous companies so he should know what nationalization is.

You've aligned yourself with Chavez now instead of accuracy. Good work!

Paid for with what, by whom?

The details are out there. I'd prefer a healthcare system like France but it looks like there may be a public option where those covered pay premiums. Look it up Jim.

Why the hurry to bankrupt the country?

I'm not sure why our current healthcare system is in such a hurry to bankrupt the country. I sure hope they get the new system up in a hurry though.

No it was an apology tour slamming his country. Hell, he apologized for WWII while Merkel watched astounded.

No, you're just lying through your teeth now. He was not slamming his country. He was owning up to past mistakes made.

Wow! Where did Bush find the time to do all of these things personally and autonomously? He surely must be Superman in disguise!

Wow, kinda like the stupid crap you try to blame Obama for. Two Supermen!

So all of those things have been magically fixed under Obama?

Kind of a huge mess he made. Might take awhile. We're off to a good start though.
About this much weight, possibly less....


Reminds me of a joke:

This dunce is watching this other guy approach women at the park.

The guy walks up to a pretty girl and says "Tickle your ass with a feather?"

The first girl says "What!?"

The guy holds his hand out with the palm up and says "Particularly nasty weather!"

The girl walks away.

The guy repeats this with several other women and is rebuked.

Finally, he walks up to a pretty girl and says "Tickle your ass with a feather?"

She responds "Why yes!" and they walk away arm in arm.

Having taken note of these goings on, the dunce decides to try this tactic for himself.

So he approaches the next pretty girl who walks by and says "Ya wanna fuck?"

The girl says "What did you say?"

Flustered, he holds his hand out with the palm up and says "Particularly nasty weather!"
that whole hugo chavez interchange was brilliant, you two.

it's nationalizing!
nuh uh!
that's like that bad commie!
nuh uh, you're like that bad commie!

Y'know, if this was a Monty Python skit, it would be fucking hilarious. What worries me most is that all of you are serious. Or at least you think you are.

The ruination of the economy started long ago, and (just like today) the measures the PTBs put in place were accepted by the public in the name of the greater good. Abuse of military power ... hardly started with Bush, any frankly, anyone who believed Obama would change anything really needs to sign power-of-attorney over to someone else. Read back to Thomas Jefferson and his statements on bankers. Then look at today. Did he have a crystal ball, or was it plainly obvious even back then? Have you ever heard the definition of an expert? Someone who knows more and more about less and less until he knows everything about nothing at all. It's estimated that the volume of knowledge availiable doubles more and more frequently to the point that Joe Q is less and less able to keep up with what there is to know. We've had to become experts just to make it through our daily lives. And the better we become at living our lives, the less we can know about what's going on outside it and the easier it becomes for others to control what's outside without us knowing.

The ruination of your nation is taking place because the people controlling your nation now don't particularly give a damn about you, or your future. It doesn't matter what party they belong to, or what decade they live in. The sooner you folk wake up to that, ... well, it's probably too late to do anything so just go on with your pipe dreams and bi-partizan back stabbing. They could probably use a good laugh.
Y'know, if this was a Monty Python skit, it would be fucking hilarious. What worries me most is that all of you are serious. Or at least you think you are.

and this is even more entertaining.

yep, we're all missing the real picture. well, all of us except one.

nuh uh!