39% Now Blame Bad Economy on 0bama’s Policies

Obama's economic policies, adopted by the Democrat-controlled Congress, call for total Federal borrowing of $3.5 trillion this year alone! The Federal debt is projected to soar over the next 10 years to a peacetime record of 84% of GDP, and to keep on growing past the all-time record of 113% of GDP during World War II. Rep. Paul Ryan, ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee, projects it will climb to 200% of GDP, twice the size of our entire economy. That would be 5 times the level of national debt that prevailed for decades before Obama.

But not to worry, because the Congressional Democrat leadership and President Obama have a plan. First they are going to pass national health care, adding the biggest entitlement of all to the fiscal catastrophe we already have, giving new definition to the term fiscal insanity. Then, after that, they are going to come back to us and say, gee, we have no choice now but to raise your taxes, really, really, really raise your taxes, to record-shattering levels, to levels so high that it will change the fundamental nature of our economy and our nation.

After that, America will no longer be a land of prosperity and booming economic growth, as it has been for hundreds of years, since early colonial days. It will no longer enjoy the highest standard of living in the world. It will instead be America the Welfare State, with a government so big and overwhelming that everyone will be scrambling to get their personal gravy in government handouts, rather than producing for the marketplace and consumers.

The 0bots made our bed and now we ALL have to sleep in it........hey, quit stealing the covers!!
Everything she posts is from right wing "think tanks" (an oxymoron obviously), and is questionable if not outright false alarmist garbage. So I think a little poll is in order. And when you say they'd pay more, you may or may not be right. Partly that would depend on what health problems they have. One thing at least is you wouldn't have insurance companies who, immediately after getting a large claim, put research teams to work trying to find loopholes so they can screw their customers and deny the claim. I think that is worth something myself. Health insurance in this country as it stands is simply legalized organized crime. Obviously right wingers favor it because they believe in legalizing crimes that net them big cash.
Everything she posts is from right wing "think tanks" (an oxymoron obviously), and is questionable if not outright false alarmist garbage. So I think a little poll is in order. And when you say they'd pay more, you may or may not be right. Partly that would depend on what health problems they have. One thing at least is you wouldn't have insurance companies who, immediately after getting a large claim, put research teams to work trying to find loopholes so they can screw their customers and deny the claim. I think that is worth something myself. Health insurance in this country as it stands is simply legalized organized crime. Obviously right wingers favor it because they believe in legalizing crimes that net them big cash.

Allow me to provide you an example of what allowing gov't into the insurance industry is like.

In Quebec, we have no-fault auto insurance. That is to say, in an uninsured driver (liability auto insurance, btw, is law in Quebec) plows into a busstop and kills , maims and otherwise injures people ... they pay the bills (wait, what bills? Quebec healthcare is supposed to be free). That insurance is paid to the gov't in the form of our DMV .. the SAAQ (pronounced sack ... also the pronounciation of "curse" in french) That fund, for a number of years operated at a surplus. Instead of reducing the premium, the gov't dipped into that fund for it's own purposes. Now, understand something ... those premiums are billed to ... the vehicle. Paid as part of your vehicle registration. I registered three cars in my name. I'm obliged to pay three times, eventhough I can physically only ever have one vehicle in operation at a time. Make sense? Oh, and the premium ....

Passenger Vehicle 2008 2009

Insurance contribution $109 $112
Tax on insurance contribution $10 $10
Fees (for use of the road network) $104 $104
Contribution to public transit $30 $30
Charge $4 $4
Total cost $257 $260

$112 buck, per car every year. The road tax is less. Then the fuckers tax their own insurance, and add a fucking administration fee to boot.

Now, as though that wasn't sufficient insult, this year, they upped the ante. This year, they added ...

Cost of a licence 2008 2009

Insurance contribution $35 $48
Tax on insurance contribution $3 $4
Fees (authorization to drive a vehicle) $16 $16
Charge $4 $4
Total cost $58 $72

Cost of a licence including motorcycle authorization (class 6) 2008 2009

Insurance contribution $70 $94
Tax on insurance contribution $6 $9
Fees (authorization to drive a vehicle) $16 $16
Charge $4 $4
Total cost $96 $123

Did you see it? Another $100+ onto my fucking license in insurance. AND I'M STILL OBLIGED BY LAW TO MAINTAIN ANOTHER PRIVATE INSURANCE POLICY!!! The actual cost of the license is a mere $16.

This is what you are letting yourself in for, my friend.

Oh, and in case you haven't guessed ... the reason for the increase in premiums? SHORTFALL IN THE FUND.

Consider yourself fully warned. Your gov't will do no better. They want this for the same reason my gov't does. Money. Power. Influence.
What it was was a political move aimed at continuing the wave of popularity following 9/11. They figured they would be able to stay popular enough to win another election, (and they were right, although lousy opposition didn't help) and they also figured to stimulate the economy because war normally does that. The trouble is that through the last few presidencies, (and congresses) all the way back to Reagan we have been building up to the current financial crisis.

Add to that old Bushie "misunderestimated" the 'Merican people. He figured that we would just buy that garbage about 9/11 connections. If he had really cared to go all out against Bin Laden he'd have had to focus the effort in Afghanistan, and that wasn't going to happen for a few reasons. Chiefly because we watched the Soviets get their ass kicked for years much like Vietnam and they knew it was an effort with little hope of success and because it wasn't so financially lucrative as Iraq, and probably I assume it also was never their intent to get Bin Laden, who, even if he is responsible for all he is accused of, is of more value alive and threatening us for such a regime as Bush's. Give the people a common enemy.

But it backfired when people realized how much resources and lives "liberating", (I can guarantee you if they cared about that at all it was the least reason we went there) "Iraquistan", and what little good it did the American people, plus the fact that they had to lie to us to do it, people saw Bush and Cheney for what they were, scum with no regard for America, just their power and financial interests. Or at least those of us who don't delude ourselves about the matter saw that. It lost the republicans a shitload of power in 2008, because if it hadn't been for the piss poor performance of the Bush regime, I can pretty much guarantee that the democrats could not have engineered such a victory on their own.
Everything she posts is from right wing "think tanks" (an oxymoron obviously), and is questionable if not outright false alarmist garbage.


because if it hadn't been for the piss poor performance of the Bush regime, I can pretty much guarantee that the democrats could not have engineered such a victory on their own.

Your perception of a "wretched" Bush performance, and the vision of 0blahma as "Savior", was created for you and poured into a cup by the media.


Zero's campaign was engineered.

I'd like to know when I said Obama is a savior? I have to admit liking him more than I thought I would, but I think a lot of that is just because anything is better than the last 8 years.

I mean when you have a toothache and they yank the tooth, you tend to appreciate the gap, if only because its less painful!
I'd like to know when I said Obama is a savior? I have to admit liking him more than I thought I would, but I think a lot of that is just because anything is better than the last 8 years.

I mean when you have a toothache and they yank the tooth, you tend to appreciate the gap, if only because its less painful!

But every tooth you let them pull is one less you can bite back with to defend yourself. The lion, the bear, the wolf and even the snake ... all highly respected and feared .... until you pull their teeth.