50 babies a year born alive after abortion

Bobby Hogg

New Member

I don't know what the limit is for abortions in the US, but the UK limit always seems exceptionally high.

I'm utterly against abortion, and I fail to see how anyone can argue that it is anything other than infanticide in the face of reports like this, babies actually surviving the procedure, born as crying, squirming little infants.

My position is that I feel that abortion on demand should be banned outright in a civilised country, and abortion only reserved as a medical procedure for emergencies risking the mother's physical or psychological health. I don't, however, believe that life starts at conception, but at the variable point during development at which the foetus has a functioning brain, which is very early on.
IMO if it's born alive, and can be kept alive, it should be, and the bearer(s) should
have to pay for it until 18-21.

I'm pro-choice, but only to a certain degree. I don't go for late-term.
I really think the term time should be shorten here.
I would tolerate abortion only in cases of rape, and/or to save the life of the mother, and in both instances only during the first four months of pregnancy.
i think that if the baby is born, then you either raise it or if you are unfit to raise it, give it up to adoption. by the way, when i say "give up for adoption", i wish to specify that i mean arrange so that the baby pretty much goes from the womb to the adoptive parent's arms. that way you avoid clogging the already-undereverythinged system with more kids.

as another note, i have always found it interesting that i hear more men oppose abortion than women. which is not to say that all women approve of it, but it does definitely seem skewed.

as for me, i am pro choice. i do not believe that abortion should be used as a "back up plan", but i do believe that in some situations it is the best option.
if you're wondering how abortion could possibly be the best option out of any list, chances are you've never been in that situation.
when a woman has an abortion, they make you sign papers acknowledging that you could die. the pain is immense. you bleed for weeks. and for the rest of your life, you will think "if i'd kept my baby he'd be this old now". on top of that, reported abotions really ravage a woman's body.
i dont really know where i'm going with this. the debate pisses me off though.
pretty much, if you are against abortion you've probably never been in a situation where you yourself had to even consider that as an option.
oh yeah, to be more on topic... late term abortions are expensive.... and risky. i think late term abortions should be not so much allowed, because they are very risky, and because if you listen to your body you should know you're pregnant in the first trimester, when it's not as difficult and risky.
but i do believe that in some situations it is the best option

The homicide of an unborn human is the best option? Better than, say, ruining a ski trip this February? Better than inconveniencing a hectic workaholics already busy schedule? Better than giving the unborn human a chance at life, with another couple if need be?

I'm not against abortion. I just want people to face reality. It's not just an unviable tissue mass. It's a human.
catocom said:
IMO if it's born alive, and can be kept alive, it should be, and the bearer(s) should
have to pay for it until 18-21.

I'm pro-choice, but only to a certain degree. I don't go for late-term.
I really think the term time should be shorten here.

Actually United States law states that during an abortion and after the baby comes out the doctor must do everything in his power to save the baby.
Rather sickly ironic don't you think?
Well yeah see, it all began in 69 when I was ten years old
some klowns in black robes took it upon themselves to
usurp the Constitution of the United States and legislate
from the bench that suckin' them pesky unviable tissue
masses from the wombs twas a good thing.

In an attempt to make this 'palatable' they initially instituted
the deal with a ton of supposed restrictions:

One that comes to mind is that anything past the first trimester
was a crime, of course we all recall how during Clintons reign
the hot topic was 'late-term' abortions

(Oh certainly you are vividly familiar with what that lovely lil' procedure entails aren't you?)

Yep you've cum a long way Babee!

catocom said:
I'm pro-choice, but only to a certain degree. I don't go for late-term.
Same here.

Over here the limit for free abortion is 12 weeks. You may apply for an abortion between week 12-18 if, for instance, there are medical reasons for it. After week 18 abortion is illegal if the foetus is considered viable after birth.
There are already a dozen abortion threads on this site. I'm not going to wade through another one. None of our opinions have ever changed, nor will they ever.
Well the reason this caught my eye in particular is because I don't think people realise that not only are babies "viable" after 24 weeks of gestation, but they are even capable of surviving a process being carried out to kill them.

It's also grossly unfair to ask doctors to carry out medical procedures designed to kill a patient they know is capable of living.
HeXp£Øi± said:
Actually United States law states that during an abortion and after the baby comes out the doctor must do everything in his power to save the baby.
Rather sickly ironic don't you think?
yep, I chose to bury my head on this one.

ash r said:
you know what, i'm out of this thread because i cannot explain how i feel without becoming extremely irate.

unclehobart said:
There are already a dozen abortion threads on this site. I'm not going to wade through another one. None of our opinions have ever changed, nor will they ever.
Pro-choice, also. I also find it interesting that the most vociferous advocates against abortion tend to be male. Very easy to be judgmental when you will never be in a situation having to make these choices for your body. :shrug:
yeah them choices

whether to spread em' er not?

Perhaps one of the reasons males give a fook aboot the issue
is that the femmi-nazi’s are so wrong on this one?

Or, the future of the race is dependant on how we view
family (and no two plookers ain’t a family) and how we care for our young

So it’s all aboot yer ‘body’ not anything else

I say screw that!

so a guy and a gurl are married and she gets preggers and decides on her own
that she don’t want that unviable tissue mass conflicting with her ski season plans in Aspen Yep she can have a procedure and the Dood shan’t have any say.

Yup thanks Libby’s tis a fine place you’ve brought us too…
ok, i tried but i can't sit still on this.

i like (read: think it's fucking ridiculous) how people think ski trips are the reason women get abortions? WHAT THE HELL. or work schedules. again, what the hell?

everyone i know who's had one was either forced to by their parents, or wasn't ready to have a baby. by "have a baby" i mean in the most basic sense, which is to give birth to it.
people are like, "well, then they should give it up for adoption!" NOT SO EASY. prenatal care $$$$$, for example. also, i've talked to people who had every intention to give their child up for adoption, the plans made and everything, but when it was born, they looked into its eyes and could not give it up. i've also talked to people who have given their child up for adoption, and for some of them, it's harder emotionally for them than having an abortion. if you say "fuck your emotions" i say "fuck you".

people say "keep your legs shut".
well shoulda woulda coulda. didn't. NOW WHAT?
you can't turn back time and undo it.
i get so mad when people say "shoulda kept your legs shut".

when you are pregnant, there is no "shoulda". there's only the "now what?"
and if you've never been pregnant/are a guy,you CANNOT understand that.