50 babies a year born alive after abortion

I am not in the habit of quoting posts that are one line above mine
(and I'm not starting today)

you typed it

not me
obviously it isn't, because i still have no idea what you're talking about.
explain yourself, or i will simply dismiss your claim as baseless, on the grounds that you yourself cannot substantiate it.
To preface, the world cosmos or whatever you want to call existence
is based on absolutes much to the liberals dismay your confusion stems from
not recognizing this fact and I will try to point this out.

“i like (read: think it's fucking ridiculous) how people think ski trips are the reason women get abortions? WHAT THE HELL. or work schedules. again, what the hell?”

So if it isn’t based on whimsical reasons, what then?

no I’m certain the confused women that find themselves in this situation are
there for a reason very similar to the condition you yourself find yourself in.

(that one was for Hex)

There are many ways to attack this one, but the underlying fact is:
“Actions have consequences’”

“everyone i know who's had one was either forced to by their parents, or wasn't ready to have a baby. by "have a baby" i mean in the most basic sense, which is to give birth to it.”

Unless they were raped the actions that caused the pregnancy were voluntary
and the subsequent decision to abort is a choice as well. How many women
that you know personally that have had abortions will tell you that it was great thing
“oh yeah gee it was the most wonderful experience of my life and I can’t wait to do it again!”
I’ve heard that said of child birthing and rearing not abortion!

“people say "keep your legs shut".
well shoulda woulda coulda. didn't. NOW WHAT?
you can't turn back time and undo it.
i get so mad when people say "shoulda kept your legs shut".

See the preface (actions have consequences) and besides a lot of mistakes have to be made in addition
to intercourse, what with all the means to prevent unwanted pregnancies
these days. gee you might try having sex with a guy that will properly wear
a rubber? After 23 years of marriage there is only one lil’ Winky wreakin’ havoc
on this planet. Of course I pray he will continue to capture them lil swimmer
doods and chuck em’ out until he’s married and ready to accept the lifelong commitment of marriage and the 18+ year sentence of child rearing.
If you are happily married to a loving supportive moderately financially successful guy then there might be another reason to kill yer baby, I suppose… list em’ for me!

“and if you've never been pregnant/are a guy,you CANNOT understand that.”

Yes men have no say Liberal femmi-nazi clap trap
it takes two to tango baby

“also, i've talked to people who had every intention to give their child up for adoption, the plans made and everything, but when it was born, they looked into its eyes and could not give it up. i've also talked to people who have given their child up for adoption, and for some of them, it's harder emotionally for them than having an abortion.”

Goly gee whiz mebbe human animals are programmed at some basic level to
want to care for their young (yep you are confused on this issue)
Ya see killing your unborn child just ain’t natural or Right either

So in conclusion abortion is wrong
but so is cheeze whiz but it won't give you nightmares
and you won't celebrate it's never happened birthday all your life
unless you are weird to the extreme?

Happy birthday Cheez Whiz!!!

BeardofPants said:
I also find it interesting that the most vociferous advocates against abortion tend to be male.
Oddly enough, my personal experience has been the exact opposite.
BeardofPants said:
Very easy to be judgmental when you will never be in a situation having to make these choices for your body. :shrug:

For shame. Suppose the man has the wherewithall to raise the child in a good and loving home? It's his creation, too, and by ignoring his wants and needs, you base your abortion on convenience...especially if the man is responsible enough to take care of all of the womans needs until she comes to term.

I mentioned a flip side to this before as well...Suppose the man is incapable of raising a child, and the woman decides to go through with the pregnancy. Now the man is responsible for 18 years of child support for a child he shouldn't have made. If you're going to play the role of choice, then, if the man decides he cannot raise the child, he shouldn't be forced to pay Child Support.
Gato_Solo said:
if the man decides he cannot raise the child, he shouldn't be forced to pay Child Support.

If the man cannot raise and support the child, he shouldn't be sticking his wiener into anything that doesn't belong to him. If he chooses to do so anyway, he *will* be held accountable for the consequences.
Camelyn said:
If the man cannot raise and support the child, he shouldn't be sticking his wiener into anything that doesn't belong to him. If he chooses to do so anyway, he *will* be held accountable for the consequences.

So then, by that same token, a woman should be forced to carry a baby she doesn't want to term as a consequence of her actions as well. You can't have it both ways, Cam. That's all I was saying.
Gato_Solo said:
So then, by that same token, a woman should be forced to carry a baby she doesn't want to term as a consequence of her actions as well. You can't have it both ways, Cam. That's all I was saying.

She is held accountable for her actions. She is pregnant. She has an extreamly difficult choice to make, if her beliefs allow it. Either way, her life is changed forever.

Life isn't always about fair. If a man has sex, and a baby is born, it is *his* child, whatever choices the woman made that brought this child into the world. Chances are she's going to be raising it alone anyway. The law says he has to provide financial support, not any other kind of support. It's not about what's *fair* to either the man or the woman, it's about what's fair to the child who didn't have a choice in the matter.
Camelyn said:
She is held accountable for her actions. She is pregnant. She has an extreamly difficult choice to make, if her beliefs allow it. Either way, her life is changed forever.

No argument there...

Camelyn said:
Life isn't always about fair. If a man has sex, and a baby is born, it is *his* child, whatever choices the woman made that brought this child into the world. Chances are she's going to be raising it alone anyway.

Since you brought that up, why do you think she'll be raising the child alone?

Camelyn said:
The law says he has to provide financial support, not any other kind of support. It's not about what's *fair* to either the man or the woman, it's about what's fair to the child who didn't have a choice in the matter.

But the question is still there. I'd rather be fair than otherwise. Now...aside from that...Most men try to play an active part in their childrens lives. As much as some would try to disagree, the only splits in support that occur are due to the court system, or the actions of the custodial parent.
In the set of circumstances you are describing, where the father should not be held accountable for supporting the child if he chooses not to, chances are that if he is hesitant about child support, it's not too likely he will be the kind of guy to stick around to help with the raising. That is his choice, a choice that any man can make.

"Most" men who become fathers while in a relationship with a woman, having wanted the child in the first place, do indeed take a very active and loving role in raising that child. That is not in dispute. It is also true that most women in these kinds of relationships are not the women who may be facing some difficult choices.

I don't think the same can be said for "most" men (or boys) who had casual sex with a woman once or twice, or are too young to even drink legally.

These are completely different circumstances, and you shouldn't argue one while referencing the other.
Camelyn said:
In the set of circumstances you are describing, where the father should not be held accountable for supporting the child if he chooses not to, chances are that if he is hesitant about child support, it's not too likely he will be the kind of guy to stick around to help with the raising. That is his choice, a choice that any man can make.

That wasn't exactly the point I was making.

Camelyn said:
"Most" men who become fathers while in a relationship with a woman, having wanted the child in the first place, do indeed take a very active and loving role in raising that child. That is not in dispute. It is also true that most women in these kinds of relationships are not the women who may be facing some difficult choices.

I don't think the same can be said for "most" men (or boys) who had casual sex with a woman once or twice, or are too young to even drink legally.

These are completely different circumstances, and you shouldn't argue one while referencing the other.

While it would be nice to think so, one is not referencing the other. Fact is, people can, and do, change their minds quite often about their lives, and how to better their lot.

If you wish to understand this fully, you have to go back to the days where women were chattle, and had no rights, because, when it comes to raising children, that's where men are today. Since we don't carry them internally for nine months, we have no rights for 18 years, or more. Is that justice for 30 to 45 minutes of sexual pleasure? Sorry. I don't buy that. True...a responsible person would have some kind of protection, but that protection is never 100% reliable...
Camelyn said:
It's not about what's *fair* to either the man or the woman, it's about what's fair to the child who didn't have a choice in the matter.

I vote for homicide.