A couple of fried XP 1800 chips, eh? Colonel Sanders would be jealous
I can make one of my own fried 1800+ though, if I need to. Pretty simple actually, just need to yank off the heatsink.
alex said:
Why would a second controller not let you boot from cd anyway?
That's what I was asking myself when I put my cheapo RAID in my K6-2 450. I installed it, put the hard drive on it, and slapped in the Windblows 98 cd to see what I could do with it (the BIOS was set to boot off CD-ROM and floppy before hard drive), and lo and behold, it booted off of the hard drive straight into the win95 I had in there previously (twice as fast as before, of course).
So I tried to hook the CD-ROM up to it and the RAID controller yelled at me. "Please do not connect ATAPI devices to the RAID controller"
Then I tried to put in a bootable 98 startup disk and it STILL ignored me and went straight to the hard drive.
I suppose since the K6-2 system only fits 2 sticks of ram (got a 64 and a 32), that machine's only good for playing Tyrian now anyhow, so I don't really need to use the card to boot up Windows in 30 seconds as opposed to 60. But still I would be afraid to use this thing for one of my main machines, due to the bootup quirks and lack of real documentation.
Anyways... I'll take the RAID card if you're not using it. You want me to cover anything? Shipping? (My zip code is 46142 if you want to do an estimate)