70,000 Beer Cans Found in Ogden Townhouse


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Who snitched?

A seemingly unbelievable mess discovered last year in an Ogden townhouse has suddenly become an Internet legend.

It's all TRUE!

You know how some people, after they use something, just can't bear to throw it away. That might make sense if it's magazines or clothes. But what if it's empty beer cans? In astounding numbers?

When property manager Ryan Froerer got a call from a realtor last year to check on a townhouse, he knew something was up.

Ryan Froerer, Century 21: "Said it was the sickest thing he's ever seen. Just unimaginable that someone could live in that."

He couldn't even open the front door. It was blocked from inside.

Ryan Froerer, Century 21: "There was beer cans I would say probably this high up on the door."

The realtor had forewarned him about the smell.

Ryan Froerer, Century 21: "He poked his head in, the smell was so awful he couldn't go in. "

At the back door, Froerer was astounded by what he saw in the kitchen.

Ryan Froerer, Century 21: "As we approached the door, there were beer boxes, all the way up to the ceiling."

Inside, he took just a few snapshots to document the scene. Beer cans by the tens of thousands. Mountains of cans burying the furniture. The water and heat were shut off, apparently on purpose by the tenant, who evidently drank Coors Light beer exclusively for the eight years he lived there.

Ryan Froerer, Century 21: "It's just unbelievable that a human being could live like that. "

To all outward appearances, the person who lived in the townhouse was the perfect tenant. He always paid on time and he never complained. He kept a low profile in the neighborhood.

Kirk Martin, Letter Carrier: : "Yeah I never delivered any mail there at all. I thought the apartment was vacant."

The cans were recycled for 800 dollars, an estimated 70,000 cans: 24 beers a day for 8 years.

Froerer e-mailed his photos to a couple of friends, who sent them to friends. Now he's getting calls from faraway places

Ryan Froerer, Century 21: "It's amazing how the internet can have the effect and get around. I'm sure it's been around the world. "

The townhouse was cleaned up last year and it's just fine today.

The man who lived there seems to be back on his feet. We spoke to him today and he says he's completely stopped drinking. He was welcomed back to his old job a few months ago, and his co-workers speak highly of him.
Only $800 for all those cans? Someone got fucked up the ass on that one. In California, it's 5 cents a can... which would come out to $3,500.
Inkara1 said:
Only $800 for all those cans? Someone got fucked up the ass on that one. In California, it's 5 cents a can... which would come out to $3,500.

yeh in michigan it's 10 cents. i remember seeing a new story about some poor dumb bastards that showed up from another state with a u-haul full of cans... and got busted o'course.
La casa, Tin can alley.

Keepers, we used to call them. People with a disorder which made them retain everything they buy. A friends' mother was like that with newspapers. Packed floor to ceiling all along the hallway, magazines in the bedroom, kleenex boxes, rubber bands etc etc... enough to build another house from all the detritus that she'd accumulate. :eek5:

We've got bums downtown who carry the equivalent of 5-7 grocery carts full of crap with'em around. Move it up one corner one piece at a time, then begin again towards the next corner. Human snails. :rolleyes:

One guy used to have his collection cleared out a few times per year by the cops. Haven't seen him in a while.