Which is why I'm asking the question. You still haven't answered it. Bish came a lot closer. You've decided to be a smacktard. However, it's worked against you since you are still not on the same page, thus, you seem incapable of answering the question.
Neither the tsunami nor the 9 point oh magnitude quake directly created the current issue. A lack of sustainable electricity did. My question stands. why can't a power plant that is in need of a constant stable flow of power to maintain a safe & less-than-lethal atmosphere use it's own created juices?
An internal set of adjusted transformers could provide all the power needed to run the cafeteria, the office, the bathrooms & the fucking cooling mechanisms. Jesus man, it's as close as you can get to perpetual motion as possible. I don't need to understand fission to understand a power generator.
You mentioned expense. I presume you mean that the cost of having a "grounding rod" that would disipate this kind of change? Expensive? Yea. I bet it's a whole lot less than the cost of 6 reactors.
In the end, the quake started a chain reaction (no pun intended) that has an entire nuclear energy facility on the brink of becoming a dirty bomb. The men & women that are currently risking their lives are heroes. It appears they may solved this, but at what cost? A closed circuit power system, could have saved a lot of trouble. It's too late for Fuck-u-Shima but not for many others. It seems that coastal plants can't use diesel.