8 Grocery Employees Stabbed in Tennessee


New Member
I don't see the end result happening in Canada..The winkster is right about one thing, gun control is being able to hit your target...

A knife-wielding grocery store employee attacked eight co-workers Friday, seriously injuring five before a witness pulled a gun and stopped him, police said.

The 21-year-old suspect, whose name was withheld pending charges, was arrested and then taken to a hospital after complaining of chest pains, Memphis Police Sgt. Vince Higgins said. The attack apparently stemmed from a work dispute, police said.

Five victims, one in critical condition, were admitted to the Regional Medical Center, the main trauma hospital for the Memphis area. Three others were less badly hurt and treated at another hospital.
Another victory for gun control! Thank God somebody there was able and willing to stop this thug before he killed several people.

"Less badly hurt"? One should have learned better grammar by fourth grade.
hehe hoho haha

Stop, please or Stop *BAM* before I shoot!. take your pick.
OK, now wait just a pea-pickin minute here.

First, we hear of the above story, coinciding (I think) with a certain nameless someone's sojourn through the area.

Now, there's this.

Coincidence? Inquiring minds want to know. *taps foot*
After 18 hours of post-funeral fun & driving home-we ran into that last night. Interstate closed, out of the way detour. stupid criminals
Police blotter from last night. 1 case shots fired, 3 knifings. Yup. Gun control's really got the criminal element pinned down.
unclehobart said:
Ban all knives! All dinners must now be prepared solely with dull wooden spoons... sorry about your luck.

With the first story that may not be far behind.
My kid has a collection of swords (adults call them sticks). Several are capable of severe damage. Perhpas we ought to outlaw sticks & stones (they could also kill)