8 killed, 9 dead at union meeting say police


Well-Known Member
Police: Gunman at beer warehouse targeted managers

MANCHESTER, Conn. [FONT=arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif]Omar [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif]Thornton[/FONT][/FONT] sat calmly in a meeting with union representative and his supervisors as they showed a video of him stealing beer from the distributor where he worked.

Busted, he didn't put up a fight, company officials said. He quietly signed a letter of resignation and was headed for the door when he pulled out a gun and started firing — "cold as ice," as one survivor described it.

In the end, Thornton killed eight people and wounded two, then turned the gun on himself in a rampage Tuesday at Hartford Distributors where at least some of the victims — executives and managers — may have been targeted, police said Wednesday.

Union and company officials said they would not have anticipated such violence from someone with no history of complaints or disciplinary problems. But authorities found two 9 mm handguns at the scene, and a shotgun in Thornton's car.

Relatives say Thornton, 34, finally cracked after suffering racial harassment in a company where he said he was singled out for being black in a predominantly white work force.

Gimme yo free beer crackas
or I'll busta cap in yo ass!

Relatives say Thornton, 34, finally cracked after suffering racial harassment in a company where he said he was singled out for being black in a predominantly white work force.

oh well that makes it alright then I guess some figure.
"Them crackers had to die"

People want to blame Glenn for some people doing crap, so ..
Can we blame Obama, Sharpton, the Black panthers... for this?
it might be useful to find if there was anything to his claim of harassment. maybe pursue the story in a sober, reasonable way... nah, let's jump up and down and use inflammatory language. well, i guess it doesn't matter, he was obviously an asshole anyway. interesting the fairly transparent reactions here though.
it might be useful to find if there was anything to his claim of harassment. maybe pursue the story in a sober, reasonable way... nah, let's jump up and down and use inflammatory language. well, i guess it doesn't matter, he was obviously an asshole anyway. interesting the fairly transparent reactions here though.
You're right Minx. There could be a very reasonable explanation as to why he killed 8 people.
you know that's not what i'm asking. what are you asking or trying to say by posting this in the first place?

no, don't answer. it's obvious.
Omar Thornton's girlfriend, meanwhile, told The Associated Press that he had complained of racial harassment and had shared evidence of it with her: photos of racist bathroom graffiti and a surreptitiously monitored conversation allegedly involving company managers.

Thornton called his mother to say goodbye, said his uncle Wilbert Holliday. Thornton, who is black, had complained of racial harassment for months to family and friends and indicated he did target people — but because they had harassed him.
"I shot the racists that was bothering me," he told his mother.

Kristi Hannah, 26, Thornton's girlfriend of eight years, said he had told her months ago that he was racially harassed, and he showed her photos he took with his cell phone. One was a drawing on a bathroom wall of a stick figure with a noose around the neck and a racial slur, she told the AP. Another scrawl said the writer hated black people and had Thornton's name on it, she said.

One day, Hannah said, he called her from a bathroom stall and held up his phone. She said she could hear a company official, apparently unaware Thornton was in a stall, tell someone else that the company was going to "get rid of this dumb n-----."

Let's throw in a few possibles:

He was mentally unstable.
He faced racial discrimination at work.
He blamed his failures on this discrimination.
He followed his 2nd amendment rights to carry arms.
He used those legal arms to exact revenge on those he felt needed it.
He's dead now and can't explain himself.
All of the victim's families will take the following days/weeks to paint their dead relatives in the best light ever. They were heroes, of course.
Omar sounds like a Muslim name.
Omar is obviously a racist who hated all crackers...except if they are in a wheelchair.
Omar is black..he surely voted for Obama...he was a Socialist.
Over the next few days, any and all associations that Omar may have had with anything resembling socialism will be drudged up by Fox and paraded around.
It's all Obama's fault.

Did I miss anything?
Yes he supported Obama and was politically active in supporting Dems (socialist).

Also could it be that the cry of racism has become so built into certain parts of society that it has become the excuse for all actions?

Certainly stealing beer is an entitlement, asking him to resign is clearly racist. Poor fella, nobody understands just much racism he had to endure as he stole the beer. awwwws.
Come on Mr. Obvious Psychic, say it. Quit beating around the bush, what do you think I'm saying.

well, let's see, in the past 24-48 hours you've made multiple posts with (often less than flattering) references to mexicans and/or immigrants, blacks, homosexuals.. prolly muslims too...

what does this mean?

i'll say it.

you have an extraordinary level of attention and sensitivity for matters of race.

my god, it's almost like you feel... harassed... by the world...
Yeah, I'm sick tired the molly-coddling of these people by people who think with their estrogen generators. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Interesting that you seem to implying I'm a racist and a bigot while you claim moral superiority over those knuckle-dragging, inbred redneck Christians.

I guess i would have to conclude that morality has become to loosed for some to see that; all men are created equal (and now some are more equal then others)

Is that about right comrade?
We have a mulatto President that said on national TV:
White America is a mogrel race.

I'm so ashamed to be white :(

I need free beer!
it might be useful to find if there was anything to his claim of harassment. maybe pursue the story in a sober, reasonable way... nah, let's jump up and down and use inflammatory language. well, i guess it doesn't matter, he was obviously an asshole anyway. interesting the fairly transparent reactions here though.

He never filed a complaint through his union & he was stealing beer....not much to go on here
yeah sounds like he was just an asshole.

unfortunately that's not the point of the original post or the first few responses.