9/11 + 5 years

Hmmm ... considering that TSA gave me crap about carrying on my 4oz bottle of contact solution while my friend got through with her utility knife in her purse (which she forgot to take out) ... I'd say no.

But thank god they discovered my contact solution ... I could've squirted down the flight attendants.

Once again, most of you miss the point in your rush to be vocabulary surgeons.


I now return you to your mental masturbation already well in progress.
Airport security has more holes in it than you could imagine. Most of the security is leveled at the large carriers. Big airplanes! That's where you'll be asked to remove your shoes, the cockpit doors are sealed, there are armed officers on board, bomb sniffing dogs at the gates etc etc... The small carriers can't afford it and don't do it. Mail-carrier airplanes (FedEx / UPS) don't have to have packages checked...so they can be carrying bombs and/or Nuclear devices and not know it. Inbound shipping canisters/boxes are only checked 'if they come from suspected sources'....the Middle-East and NK.

Some increased security at ports. Minimal security for the rails, none for the busses...and that's just travel. Where's the increased security at Dams, nuclear power-plants, tunnels, subways? Water-sources?
I think you underestimate the screening that companies like FedEX administer. Don't forget, if a package with something nasty gets delivered by them, US courts won't hesitate to allow them to be sued for billions.
Once again, most of you miss the point in your rush to be vocabulary surgeons.


I now return you to your mental masturbation already well in progress.

Since some asswipe made liquid explosives that can be hidden/blended in everday stuff while no longer making box cutters illegal to carry, it makes sense even if it is stupid.