A case of DNR vs. GVT


Well-Known Member
Gov. Bush's order puts Schiavo back on fluids

CLEARWATER - After a day of unprecedented political maneuvering, doctors late Tuesday began giving fluids to Terri Schiavo, the brain-damaged woman whose case has become a national cause for the right-to-life movement.
Appearing gaunt, Mrs. Schiavo was wheeled into Morton Plant Hospital about 7 p.m., strapped to a stretcher and covered to her neck with a sheet. Two police officers followed her to a room where nurses rushed in equipment. Doctors were expected to eventually reinsert the feeding tube that has kept Mrs. Schiavo alive for over 13 years.

**To put it in small bite-sized chunks**

She's been in a vegetative state for 13 years. She's conscious but near-brain-dead. She doesn't have a living will. Her husband has been trying to get her feeding tube removed for 3 years. Finally gets the permission. He gets the Drs to remove the feeding tube. The family rushes in, after losing the legal battle, and sees Jed Bush. Jed pushes the issue through and forces the feeding tube to be placed back in.

~ The husband is living with another woman
~they have a child together
~He's bound to get money for her death
~he's lived this for 13 years
~She has 0% chance of recovery

So...? Toughie, eh?
MrBishop said:
Gov. Bush's order puts Schiavo back on fluids

~He's bound to get money for her death

he is??? then how can he legally give the order to let her die? wouldnt that default the insurance automatically?
I'm sure that if she had a choice(provided there is a 0% chance of recovery), she'd want them to kill her.
why did the family rush in? that's just cruel. to him and her. ...but that's why i have a living will....
The insurance company would much rather pay a death benefit than the medical costs involved.

Not a tough one at all Bish. Our ability to keep someone 'alive' has outpaced our ability to know when it should be applied. Allow her to pass peacefully...
Squiggy said:
The insurance company would much rather pay a death benefit than the medical costs involved.

assuming its the same insurance company. and still there has to be rules in place to void that kind of thing. can i have my mom killed so i can collect on her insurance? shes been a little slow lately...
I agree, this woman should be allowed to die. The thing that irritates the hell out of me is the way they do it in this circumstance. They cut off her food and water, and then let her starve to death. What is wrong with a large dose of morphine in a situation like this?
PuterTutor said:
I agree, this woman should be allowed to die. The thing that irritates the hell out of me is the way they do it in this circumstance. They cut off her food and water, and then let her starve to death. What is wrong with a large dose of morphine in a situation like this?

Where's doctor K when you need him.
Thulsa Doom said:
assuming its the same insurance company. and still there has to be rules in place to void that kind of thing. can i have my mom killed so i can collect on her insurance? shes been a little slow lately...

You can't "kill" her for any reason. Thats pro active and murder. But continuing or even beginning support is a different story. If she is failing with little to no chance of a reasonable recovery, yes, you can discontinue the support. If she has iron poor blood and you want to put a bullet in her head, no.
I'm with Squig on this one. This is not a tough decision at all. The case was decided in a court of law. Laws that Gov. Bush is sworn to uphold. Right vs. wrong is perfectly clear in this case.
tonks said:
why did the family rush in? that's just cruel. to him and her.

The fact is she doesn't have any quality of life at this point. She doesn't even know what's happening to her most probably. The husband should be allowed to make the choice. Although I don't agree with starving her to death, there is no real point to keeping her alive either. If it was me, please put me out of my misery.

The fact that he's moved on with his life by finding someone else is his right. He has a life of his own and he can't be expected to stay by the side of a woman who can't return feelings toward him. If he collects money from her death, so be it.
Could this begin to make you question the integrity & honesty of the husband?

WND said:
Victor Gambone, Terri's attending physician hired by Michael Schiavo in 1998, testified he was unsure whether his patient had even had her teeth cleaned in recent years and said she hadn't received therapy. He said he accepted Michael Schiavo's word that therapy had been deemed unnecessary.

"Although severely disabled, some believe that she does have the capacity to communicate a desire to live. The husband has obstructed efforts at rehabilitation or independent assessments of his wife's true state," continues Orient.

...the family has been blocked by Michael Schiavo from visiting Terri at Morton Plant Hospital in Clearwater, Fla., where she was transferred.

...who suffered massive brain damage when she collapsed at her home 13 years ago under unexplained circumstances at the age of 26.

WND with several links to additional info at the bottom of the page.

Insteresting footnote...the husband refused her last rites to be fully carried out. The priest puts the wafer thing on the tongue...had she swallowed it, she would have to be immediately hooked back up, since that's a sign of life.
Thulsa Doom said:
Where's doctor K when you need him.

isnt he still in jail? i know he was arrested a while back but i dont think they ever let him out. i am all for euthansia but she has shown that she is still alive and cognesant. thats the onyl reason im for her being alive. if she wasnt id be for her dying mercifully. the fam may have done it because maybe the husband would get some money if he is in her will and her fam doesnt want her dead yet.(they dont want him to get the money since it seems to be what they think he wants. I think he doesnt want her to suffer)
Freak said:
the fam may have done it because maybe the husband would get some money if he is in her will and her fam doesnt want her dead yet

More mainstream unreported news. The family asked him to divorce her & offered him all the money. He wants her dead.
didnt know that part of it. but still if he wants her dead its again either for mercy(which i think is a possibility) or money. he does have another woman already. he does want to marry said woman(from my understanding) but polygymy is illegal in the US
For good or ill, it does put something very clearly on the table for all to see. Write your will. Now. And if you opt for DNR, get it in legally unassailable writing. My family all know and agree to my decisions. And anyone not agreeing to them are specifically mentionned in my will as having no authority under any circumstances.
Mercy? Then why has he demanded her immediate cremation upon death. NO AUTOPSY.

This guy put her where she is & he's getting away with murder. Why not divorce her & allow the family to care for her? Why the push to have her dead? Why not allow therapy? Why fight when the family wants her alive & she appears to respond, positively, to them & not him? The entire story is highly fishy. The unreported news is disturbing.
Gonz said:
Mercy? Then why has he demanded her immediate cremation upon death. NO AUTOPSY.

This guy put her where she is & he's getting away with murder. Why not divorce her & allow the family to care for her? Why the push to have her dead? Why not allow therapy? Why fight when the family wants her alive & she appears to respond, positively, to them & not him? The entire story is highly fishy. The unreported news is disturbing.

as cold as thisll sound not all deaths get an autopsy. i do agree with the rest tho i admit that. she is cognisent as i said. itd be better for it all to end. either he divorces her and never has to see her again or she dies(i know you dont like option 2 but it doesnt seem any othr way either divorce or death) ending it all.