A fun week ahead

Yeah, you said she wanted to move here. May have been just BS'ing though.

There are always job openings, but it's pretty competitive around these parts right now.
If we were to move there, it would have to be in the fall. That would give us your winter to acclimatise. I was having some serious problems that first week.

The missus and I always wind up joking about moving to wherever we vacation. Housing prices in Atlanta aren't as bad as I thought. Provided you don't want to live in a manor house. But that's not gonna happen. Can you imagine the grief I'd have trying to get a green card, with my fucked up status?

Although, the missus did have a hard time letting go. The puzzled look on Unc's face during that was priceless. He looked like a man looking for somewhere to run.
lolololol! that's my robbie! wanna perplex him? act all emotional and girly-like. sometimes if he is particularly befuddled one eye will close and the other seems to lose it's focus on everything around it. fun to watch, really.
Well, w didn't manage to meet up. His schedule wouldn't allow it (damned job :D). Next time they send you down here, man, we'll at least feed ya a good hot meal, and a few brews.
HomeLAN said:
Talked with the wife, Gonz. If it works better for you, we'd be happy to have you to dinner (I never make those types of comments without clearance - life is difficult enough).

That would have been nice. Pass my gratitude along & tell her we'll have to make it another time. As is typical, one screwed up stop screws up all subsequent stops. I was within 100 miles of Atlanta on Monday night, 50 miles away on Tuesday night & in and out of Atlanta on Wednesday. At least we spoke. :shrug:

Did your civil engineers every hear about cloverleaf intersections? What a mess.
Now Gonz, we both know what made you run behind schedule. No sense trying to lie about it. There is nothing wrong with stopping for an hour or so to pledge allegiance to the Southern Cross in Alabama and sing a few dozen bars of Dixie with hand held over heart.

Fess up dude. :lol2:
Did your civil engineers every hear about cloverleaf intersections? What a mess.

What, with the money they are making. The couldn't do that, they
have to atleast try to make it look like they are earning all that money.
I'm wondering if they had some french guy come over and design spaghetti junction.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Now Gonz, we both know what made you run behind schedule. No sense trying to lie about it. There is nothing wrong with stopping for an hour or so to pledge allegiance to the Southern Cross in Alabama and sing a few dozen bars of Dixie with hand held over heart.

Fess up dude. :lol2:

Slow-assed southern sumbitches move like mollasses in winter in Vermont. :p
No, those are the transplanted yankee old folks who didn't have enough dough to make it to Florida.
Gonz said:
Slow-assed southern sumbitches move like mollasses in winter in Vermont. :p

That's cuz we're already where we wanna be, and ain't in no hurry to leave it, unlike 70% of the yankees who cannot wait to get here.

And Homelan, the technical term for those folk is halfbacks. :D
This week it'll be truly scary...Arkansas & SE Missouri :shakinginmyboots: