A minor adjustment needed?


<b>mod cow</b>
When a thread is locked, I noticed that there isn't a button available to NOT reply...

Take a look at the latest closed thread, and you'll see :)

Just a minor glitch I thought I'd bring under your attention :)
No, some ignorant fucks, 2 to be exact were posting shit in it that was not appropiate for the site, so it was moved, by ME if you have any problems with that, Mr. Mature.
That wasn't a very mature act of you, Mr. Justin. There was not shit in that thread. There was no threatening, no name calling, no illegal chatter. Nothing but people you dislike having a decent debate - argument, if you want to call it that, but nothing against the rules. Just because you don't care for someone or what they say is no good reason to remove the thread from view.

BTW, your last post in this thread is against the AUP due to personal attack. Maybe you need to re-read it.
yea, sure, you've always been an enforcer the AUP haven't you? i don't have to 'pretend' or 'try' to be mature, plain fact is i can control myself. :rolleyes:
Justintime said:
How about you actually having the power to do that? :laugh:

I don't have the power to do that, and I know it would never happen. You get away with anything here. You do what you please, and that is such bull shit.
greenie, shut your fucking trap. I know you always have to defend your precious Justin, but fuck off this once. Let the "man" defend himself. You are so biased in your "argument" that it is irrelevent.
*points and laughs* :laugh:

looky! looky! the two esses are having a "who's the biggest goof contest!!!" :D
The level of corruption in the staff at this site is unbelievable. Justin, a mod, does whatever he wants. Breaks the rules, abuses his power. Admins, try to hide their identity, and also abuse their power. And yet they all stick together to defend each other.

It's all fucked up. I dare not argue further, you'll just team up on me and probably ban me later today, so stfu. :rolleyes: