A new prison


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Some of you know my wife works in a prison, well, it's an old prison, scheduled to be closed next year, you can read a little about it Here or Here

Well anyway, they are building a new one, here are a couple pics, if you're interested.

I wonder if they are going to take volunteers to see if the place is secure. I'd love to volunteer for 48 hours.
OHhhh that is cool. I can only wish. Maybe you can give me a tour when I come to Jefferson City. :p
You'd have to call and ask for that. They do have pre-arranged tours, but I got in and saw what I did cause my wife works there, they don't usually let others go like that.
Looks like the compound I'm living in now. :eek: Even has the same style towers. :eek2: Mine has no grass to speak of, though...
Supermax are far better to work at than ordinary American prisons. At least the prison officials are actually in control and not the inmates.

I promise you Solo you ain't missing a thing. For the guys on the inside that grass is the only earth they're ever going to see.
I'd take two bloody years of war before i'd spend two there.
Gee, that looks... cozy... :tardbang:

Am I alone in thinking people who get imprisoned for doing bad things shouldn't be given such a nice shelter? I mean, come on... if you want them to really repent, give them a bare construction site and a pile of wood and nails, and let them build it themselves if they want a roof over their heads. :beerbang:

Oh yeah, that three meals a day crap, fuck that too, let them eat each other.
It is a little controversial, but when you look at the fact that alot of these guys get 6 x 8 cells, and only get out of the cell three times a day, it's not real comfy.

It's kinda hard to tell, but the control center is in the middle of each building, with three wings coming off of it. The man in the middle had complete control of everything. You can kind of see that in the first pic, otherwise they also have a mess hall, and a few of the larger buildings are for industry. They still make the license plates, as well as various woodworking, laundry, and a few other industries to keep them busy.
Hell, when I was a teenager my bedroom used to be 6 x 8 and I only came out 3 x a day... for meals! It'd be just like home.... ;)
It's more difficult to hide behind fences... plus they can be electrified...

... anyone for BBQ'd inmate? :lol: