A quick note about karma


Well-Known Member
Karma's a funny thing. I've seen it as a sort of "popularity contest" between a few of the members here. Meanwhile, it was pretty rare I'd get any. On occasion I would, yes, but I had to beg for it to get over the hump to the full 10 green pips. I got a bit more here and there... until I posted "the joke." Then, I had two people leave me good karma to offset the bad... and I lost count of how many left bad karma. So it seems like when you say or do something good, props are few and far between... but if you say or do something people don't like, there is never a shortage of complaints.

Just a little observation.
[pissymood]maybe we oughta get rid of the whole fuckin thing so people can be happy again[/pissymood]
I reckon we should start it all from scratch again........lotsa folks have so much karma that any given/recieved don't make a dent :lloyd:
My karma points exceed my post count, too. I was just making a little observation about it.
it's a very general observation then, and an anecdotal one. I and many others only ever send positive karma. so... :shrug:
Yes, it was only meant as an observation. The only time I've ever left negative karma was for a13, and that's like positive karma for him.
Xibase had a great system for karma. It was tied to real posts. If the response to something was ":D" you'd get squat. If you re-wrote War & Peace in Hindu, you'd get a bunch. :shrug:
Inky, I can understand your duress......but the fact is that folks give bad karma because they think yer have a sick sense of humour, a warped (in their opinion) world view.......or mebbe they just think yer a wanker :shrug:
Inkara1 said:
Karma's a funny thing. I've seen it as a sort of "popularity contest" between a few of the members here. Meanwhile, it was pretty rare I'd get any. On occasion I would, yes, but I had to beg for it to get over the hump to the full 10 green pips. I got a bit more here and there... until I posted "the joke." Then, I had two people leave me good karma to offset the bad... and I lost count of how many left bad karma. So it seems like when you say or do something good, props are few and far between... but if you say or do something people don't like, there is never a shortage of complaints.

Just a little observation.

Real life works the same way. Ypu've held jobs, man. Do everything right, and they forget you exist, but fuck up just once....
i don't know what inky is bitching about...i give him karma on a regular basis and for some reason [sallyfield]you guys like me, you really, really like me[/sallyfield] so i have alot to give...anyway, it's just a stupid number...i only ever check to see if i have a new message, so i'm not really sure how much i have :shrug:
maybe if you want more karma you should give more karma...funny how it works that way, eh?
Karma's nice...it's really sweet, but the original reason for it wasn't as a popularity contest but a way to keep track of trouble makers...or am I way off the mark here?

Personally....I like it because people send me messages in person that they wouldn't normally post for all to see. It's a good way to let a person know that you agree or disagree with them without spreading it all over OTC.

in other news...I've got over 3X karma to post-count :D

nya nya nya nya NYA nya!!! :p