A Reminder


molṑn labé
Staff member
of the next champion NFL team

I used to be a huge Raiders fan back when they had Madden, Stabler, Belitnikoff, et al. I haven't pulled for them since Stabler followed Bum Phillips to the Oilers.
How many Superbowls trophies are on the Oiler/Titan list? How many are on the Raider list? Find out here

Rugby on steriods sucks anyway...
Is it the "World Series" like your baseball "World Series" where the teams are all from America?? Not exactly "world" is it.
Plus you pervert the sport of football and call what is actually the original game of football ... soccer.
Your all weird :p ;)
Hey now, the World Series could feasibly contain 2 Canadian teams. Not likely, but they exist.
Gonz said:
Hey now, the World Series could feasibly contain 2 Canadian teams. Not likely, but they exist.

:rofl2: :roll2:

The baseball teams occasionally play cuban teams too do they not?...