A Tale of 2 Protests......Revised


Well-Known Member
0bama and the dems are clearly defining the people of AZ as the enemy.

They are encouraging violence by using Nazi comparisons, calling for boycotts, and accusing Arizona of racism and discrimination. It is disgusting and divisive behavior that promotes violence against American citizens.

--California Senate leader Darrell Steinberg has asked Ahnold to tear up any contracts they have with AZ.

--A call by U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz. asks for Americans to boycott his state until it overturns the new law.

--St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman (D) ordered a boycott of publicly funded travel to Arizona in protest of the new immigration legislation.

--A resolution before the Board of Supervisors of San Francisco calls on the city to cancel contracts with companies based in Arizona and halt business ties between city government and the state.

--"The determination of who should or shouldn't be in this country is not one for the states to make," the Liar-in-Chief said. "This is a federal prerogative. Even if the states think we aren't doing our job, they have no right to step in."

On one hand we have illegal aliens who ignore our immigration laws, smuggle drugs, engage in kidnapping and human trafficking between the U.S. and Mexico.....

....and on the other hand there are the law abiding American citizens of Arizona that picked up where the government has left off and enforced the law to stop this practice.

Which does 0bama and the 'Rats side with and support?

The Tea Parties generate enormous crowds with hardly any reports of actual, documented incidents and a rally of a few thousand protesters against the AZ illegals law turns into a riot requiring police to arrest dozens......and which gets the media's condemnation? What kind of destruction will we see from the illegals on the racebaiting rally and protest across the nation on May 1st? Can't wait to see.
oh, so if someone taunts with words, it's ok to use physical violence on them then?

I just would like to have Some kind of clearly define rules/laws, because there seem to be a lot of
double standards and hypocrisy with this issue.
"Fighting words", cato. Inciting a riot is likely what the throwaway from ZZ-Top will have leveled against him.
"Fighting words", cato. Inciting a riot is likely what the throwaway from ZZ-Top will have leveled against him.

um, do you think that'd be for a court to decide, and not an angry mob?

In the defense of that particular crown, I will say....
I did see several people trying to calm the rest of the riotous crowd.
Trying to tell them "done do it"...
Those, I can respect.

btw, what's wrong with ZZ top?
um, do you think that'd be for a court to decide, and not an angry mob?

In the defense of that particular crown, I will say....
I did see several people trying to calm the rest of the riotous crowd.
Trying to tell them "done do it"...
Those, I can respect.

btw, what's wrong with ZZ top?

Nothing..I like their Bayou rock.

I think that you're coming close to the argument against the AZ bill, cato. Such things are for a court to decide, and that's why a warrant is usually needed in order to arrest, detain and search someone or their place of residence. This particular bill circumvents these rights neatly.
no warrant is needed anywhere that I'm aware of, to hold Anybody for a certain length of time, for even no reason, before being charged.
Riot caused by racist taunts by some guy wearing a tshirt that says "Because I can do that"
WOW! -- the thought police enter the frey. Yeah his open ended T-shirt obviously forced others to physically hit officers and commit other acts of violence.

In a free society, a person is entitled to freedom of thought. What an interesting pre-cog world you live in.

"Fighting words", cato. Inciting a riot is likely what the throwaway from ZZ-Top will have leveled against him.

How cool Bishy, I think I get it now. We can beat the shit out of these guys and it will be their fault because they used fighting words.




I get your point.

Freedom of speech and violence is OK as long it comes from the left.

Riot caused by racist taunts by some guy wearing a tshirt that says "Because I can do that"


The unruly leftists couldn't stand an alternate opinion.

"Fighting words", cato. Inciting a riot is likely what the throwaway from ZZ-Top will have leveled against him.

He wasn't arrested & he did nothing illegal.

The unruly leftists couldn't stand an alternate opinion.

He wasn't arrested & he did nothing illegal.

"What do you want me to do, guys?" or "I'm not scared of those guys"

Perhaps you're referring to what the announcer said about him "hurl insults that could spark a riot"

We frankly did not get to hear what he was saying - it's not recorded.
So ANY speech can be inciting, if you look a certain way?
sounds racist to me.

Dude...walk up to a bunch of black guys and yell out "Fuckin' ni***rs" and see what you incite.
Fuckin' redneck trailer trash'd work in certain places
Fucking fascist gun-nuts at an NRA ralley

Location and audience.