A Tale of 2 Protests......Revised

this isn't a biker rally, roadhouse, or crack corner.
This was said to be a protest, not a gang rally.
There are rules/laws for "lawful assembly"
Yes..and they were being followed and remained peaceful with one specific incident.
One person who was not part of the rally/protest said something to the assembled people which made them angry at him. The police realized this and attempted to remove him (protect him from himself). I'm sure that you can imagine what he might've said that would anger a group of latinos protesting against a 'racist law'. Several come to mind.

He reaped what he sowed..and the cops caught some of the flack with him (One got hurt and the assaulter arrested). The assembly didn't target their anger towards private property..no broken windows, no burned cars, no looting, no violence against anyone else (white or otherwise) in the area.

A single event triggered by hot words spoken thoughtlessly.
You're full of shit there Bishy. He, as an American citizen, can say what he believes no matter who doesn't like it. Free speech, especially political speech, is every Americans right and duty. Making someone mad with words doesn't give another the right go postal. -- If it did there would be no liberals left in the United States.

It will be funny if shit does go off, it will be your fault for giving us permission.
So bish, I guess you didn't like it too good when the speaker of the house,
and several congress members walked through the tea party crowd, with
a big mallet taunting Them either huh?
They weren't trying to incite a riot, they were baiting for violence and hate speech. Obviously there is BIG difference.
Dude...walk up to a bunch of black guys and yell out "Fuckin' ni***rs" and see what you incite.
Fuckin' redneck trailer trash'd work in certain places
Fucking fascist gun-nuts at an NRA ralley

Location and audience.

At least Blacks are a race. Mexicans are not a race. They are an ethnicity from a certain locale who are considered to be Caucasian.

They are not Negroid.

They are not Mongoloid.

They are not -- the still contended -- Australoid.

They are Caucasoid.
my neck turns really red when I get some sun.
I think it has to do with my American Indian genetics mostly.
Not a Redneck

I keep my neck the heck out of the Arizona sun
I’d get skin cancer.
I think it has something to do with my
northern European ancestry.
Up against da wall....

Re: Not a Redneck

I keep my neck the heck out of the Arizona sun
I’d get skin cancer.
I think it has something to do with my
northern European ancestry.

I'm ..
English, Scottish, Italian, and Cherokee.
Must be why only neck turns red.
Could be I have some trashy habits too though. :D