A thought about Julian Assange.


Well-Known Member
i think he'll end up with a bit more than a bee in his bonnet.

though i suppose if he was leaking shit about european dealings right now i might be laughing my ass off.
Why doesn't this guy have a bullet in his brain yet? What happened to behind-the-scenes negotiations?
Why doesn't this guy have a bullet in his brain yet? What happened to behind-the-scenes negotiations?

Because he knows better than to try this shit on Israel. The Mossad would have put him and his cronies down after the first release because they care more about national security than what the world will think of them. He also knows that the U. S. is so steeped in PCBS that they would never come after him.
imho, I don't particularly like or dislike the latest releases.
Many of us already knew the stuff, but were dismissed as Just conspiracy 'theorist',
of the wacko persuasion.

The other military stuff that was released....that wasn't good at all.
No possible good could come from it, and the people that needed to know, did already.

I personally think he should be charged with espionage, for his accessory.
imho, I don't particularly like or dislike the latest releases.
Many of us already knew the stuff, but were dismissed as Just conspiracy 'theorist',
of the wacko persuasion.

hooey. the existence of those kinds of backroom deals and comments are obvious to anyone but the most terrifyingly naive.

really? politicians and diplomats say funny things about each other in private? REALLY? :erm:

what gets dismissed as wacko is the shit that is truly stupid, like that infowars crap that gothie clings to like mommyteat.
right. he certainly doesn't look like a perv at all.


yeah he's giving gary glitter a run for his money...
Who is this homo
and why should I care?

He has a website in which you can anonymously submit data about anything.

"Could become as important a journalistic tool as the Freedom of Information Act." - Time Magazine

"WikiLeaks is a non-profit media organization dedicated to bringing important news and information to the public. We provide an innovative, secure and anonymous way for independent sources around the world to leak information to our journalists. We publish material of ethical, political and historical significance while keeping the identity of our sources anonymous, thus providing a universal way for the revealing of suppressed and censored injustices."
ooh! a neat-o sounding mission statement! :rofl3:

a wonderful euphemism for a sniveling prick's mouthpiece!