A time and place for everything...


Well-Known Member
..is the Superbowl the time to be discussing pro-life v. pro-choice?
Pro prospect Tim Tebow, just off his stellar career at Florida, will appear with his mother in a controversial pro-life ad that CBS plans to run. As commercials go, it’s already generating lots of conjecture. In other words, it’s probably not the standard Super Bowl spot that aspires merely to be funny
There is a time and place for everything.

That is quite true the Super Bowl is a time and a place for
inter-racial wardrobe malfunctions.
Kill them babies

Oh my Gawd it’s no wonder they rejected it.
That is one abortion that should have taken place!
N.O.W. is opposing the ad as "divisive" yet they have no problem with violently dividing a mother from her child.

Their entire premise is profit and they will do or say anything to protect that profit.

I could never be a member of any political party which the supporting plank of their platform is the wholesale murder of innocents.
N.O.W. is opposing the ad as "divisive" yet they have no problem with violently dividing a mother from her child.

Their entire premise is profit and they will do or say anything to protect that profit.

I could never be a member of any political party which the supporting plank of their platform is the wholesale murder of innocents.

NOW supports a lot of things... protecting the right to choose is one of them. It's not a for-profit group...it's an advocacy group, Jim.

Supporting plank? WTF are you on about, Jim?
And the commercial is about a womans choice, right?

Or is right to choose code spreak choose abortion?
Media Malpractice

Not really...the commercial is about removing a woman's right to choose by making abortion illegal.

Pro-choice and pro-life are not polar opposites with one exception.
You can be pro-choice and choose life. You can't be pro-life and choose anything...the choice is made for you.
Odd, seems his mom had the choice, she chose life. She is simply telling her story about her choice.

How is that about removing a choice?
Hellova price for just a feel-good story. Can't have anything at all with the people sponsoring said ad and that that group is all about..nah.

They just wanted to counter the rampant commercialization of the Superbowl.
Dang that's true if these idiots want to pay that kinda cash
to preach their message to the wrong market demographic
then I say Let em.
NOW supports a lot of things... protecting the right to choose is one of them.


They are abortion advocates. Is there a problem with that?

Killing unborns is up to the mother so long as she isn't forced to use terms like KILL THE UNBORN CHILD (terminate a pregnancy) or BABY (clump of cells).
N.O.W. is opposing the ad as "divisive" yet they have no problem with violently dividing a mother from her child.

Their entire premise is profit and they will do or say anything to protect that profit.

I could never be a member of any political party which the supporting plank of their platform is the wholesale murder of innocents.
The N.O.W. (National Organization for Women) is a non-profit organization. Reproductive Rights is one of their Key Issues, but not the only one they fight for. Reproductive Rights also encompasses a woman's right to obtain birth control such as in these 2 cases...
1965 — Griswold v. Connecticut
The Supreme Court nullified a Connecticut statute prohibiting the use of birth control by married persons, arguing that the right to marital privacy protects the access of married couples to contraceptives.
1972 — Eisenstadt v. Baird
The Court struck down a law prohibiting the distribution of birth control to unmarried adults.

N.O.W. also works for measures to prevent violence against women, Constitutional equality, economic justice and... though most would not see this as a related subject... combats racism.