A time and place for everything...

NOW supports a lot of things... protecting the right to choose is one of them. It's not a for-profit group...it's an advocacy group, Jim.

They advocate the right to choose as long as the choice is death.

They are a 501c4, not a 501c3.

Supporting plank? WTF are you on about, Jim?

The primary plank of the Democratic Party is the right for women to kill their unborn children. They pander to the women's vote and women are the largest demographic in the nation.

That's WTF I'm talking about.
The N.O.W. (National Organization for Women) is a non-profit organization. Reproductive Rights is one of their Key Issues, but not the only one they fight for. Reproductive Rights also encompasses a woman's right to obtain birth control such as in these 2 cases...
1965 — Griswold v. Connecticut
The Supreme Court nullified a Connecticut statute prohibiting the use of birth control by married persons, arguing that the right to marital privacy protects the access of married couples to contraceptives.
1972 — Eisenstadt v. Baird
The Court struck down a law prohibiting the distribution of birth control to unmarried adults.

N.O.W. also works for measures to prevent violence against women, Constitutional equality, economic justice and... though most would not see this as a related subject... combats racism.

What of Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe) who has admitted that Roe v Wade was decided on perjured testimony? Is a law which was decided on fraud and perjured testimony valid law?


Published April 2008

Roe vs. Wade’s Cracked Foundation

Today, 16 years later, after 25 million abortions, the foundations of Roe vs. Wade are beginning to crumble. President Bush’s reappointment of Attorney General Richard Thornburgh, and some recent and shocking disclosures by the original plaintiffs, as well as a surge of pro-life activism, are revealing that legalized abortion is in trouble.

Since the landmark Supreme Court decision, Norma McCorvey gave birth to her child, and Sandra Bensing never had an abortion. Both of these women have also come forward to admit that their testimony was false. In 1987, McCorvey told Washington Times columnist Carl Rowan that the Roe decision was based on false testimony. She admitted that her account of being raped in 1969 was a fabrication designed to invalidate the law. Instead, she confessed that she had become pregnant by her boyfriend.

Sandra Bensing also filed a request in early January of this year asking the Georgia Supreme Court to review her case. She told the Atlanta-Journal Constitution that she approached an attorney seeking assistance to secure legal custody of her children. The attorney told her that she would like her to be the plaintiff in a case challenging the Georgia state law banning abortion, and she agreed.

She stated that she never needed an abortion, and has never received one since the decision. “This could destroy the legal foundation for Roe vs. Wade,” said Joan Moseley, a spokesperson for the plaintiff. “We believe we have discovered fraud, but we are protecting the plaintiff because she has been getting harassed by pro-abortion groups.”
They advocate the right to choose as long as the choice is death.

They are a 501c4, not a 501c3.

The primary plank of the Democratic Party is the right for women to kill their unborn children. They pander to the women's vote and women are the largest demographic in the nation.

That's WTF I'm talking about.
Oddly enough, they also support adoption, discuss breastfeeding, early childcare etc... pretty odd if all they want is for women to abort.
You're out of your gourd if you think that the democratic party's primary source for support amongst women is the issue of choice.
Where the heck you been, Canada?

No wait that might be a great idea to once for all get the opponents
to baby killin’ to STFU! Like the ‘should homos be allowed to marry’
debate, put it to a vote. No wait then we’d end up with baby killin’
legal in some states and others not. Hmmm such a pickle this.

How about this.

Whether or not a woman (oh the man in this transaction isn’t of any concern)
wants to have her uterus scraped out isn’t of any major import to anyone, save
the columnar epithelium.

Sure as heck aint’ got nuthin’ to do with football!
I think the Colts are gonna win. Saints really struggled against the Vikings, and only won on turnovers. If Peyton can keep the ball in Colt hands, he's got it in the bag.

i wonder how many GoDaddy girl commercials there will be... those are getting obnoxious.
What of Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe) who has admitted that Roe v Wade was decided on perjured testimony? Is a law which was decided on fraud and perjured testimony valid law?

That poor woman has been used by both sides. I don't think anything she says anymore is valid or truthful. She's was indoctrinated and brainwashed by some super-strength Christian sect a long time ago and, in my opinion, was long ago lost. She's said a lot of things since then, most of which contradicted something she said only a few years before. I wouldn't put much faith in anything she said today.

If she lied in her testimony then the other side was completely retarded. I just don't believe that is true. However, regardless of her testimony a woman should have the right to choose. Plain and simple. If you believe abortion is a sin then don't get an abortion. I think that's pretty simple too. I'm not seeing a problem nor a controversy with keeping safe abortions legal.