Abortion (Pro-life/pro-choice/both)?

I am...

  • Pro-life

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • Pro-choice

    Votes: 11 45.8%
  • Both

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • No comment

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
This thread is partly in thanks to RM...another thread was getting too off topic and now this one exists...again.

I fall under both. I don't like abortions, nor the thought that some women seem to use it more as a form of birth-control as opposed to a last-choice decision meant to save their lives, stop the birth of a malformed child, stop the birth of an unloved child etc...

I don't like the idea of women having that choice removed from them. To quote RM,
A woman has a choice; don't fuck. Once she does, she then has a responsibility

With responsibility come the choices that have to be taken. You can keep the child and live alone, or live with the father, or live with someone else. You can bear the child to term and give it up for adoption. You can bear the child and abandon it on a doorstop. You can abort.

To remove any of these choices from the equation means that you are also removing the responsibility associated with that choice.

Despite popular belief...abortion is not an easy choice, nor one without repurcussions. It's still not my favorite choice...but it should exist.

A woman has a choice; don't fuck. Once she does, she then has a responsibility.

Ideally, she does have a choice. But there are instances where choice isn't an option. What happens when she's raped and gets pregnant then? Hardly her choice.

I'm both, I suppose. It sounds wishy-washy, but sometimes you just gotta be that way. I don't care for abortions for birth-control use. I think that's sick. But there are instances where the mother's health or baby's health or otherwise dictates an abortion for safety, health, etc.
Rose said:
I'm both, I suppose. It sounds wishy-washy, but sometimes you just gotta be that way. I don't care for abortions for birth-control use. I think that's sick. But there are instances where the mother's health or baby's health or otherwise dictates an abortion for safety, health, etc.
Not at all, Rose. Abortion as a form of birth control is unconscionable. Abortion of a non-viable fetus to protect the mother is a no-brainer. Abortion after rape is one of those gray areas that a few people around here don't think exist. :shrug: I'm both too.
AlladinSane said:
Wasn't there(does that make sense?) a thread like this one before? BTW, pro-life. Always.

There have been several Abortion threads on here. Some touching about the morality of it. Some about the morality of using abortuses for stem-cell research. Some touched upon it as part of women's rights etc etc...

You forgot to add...why pro-life always? and does pro-life mean that you're anti-choice?
Pro-life means to make every effort to spare life.
Which means abortion should be considered in only one case: if the pregnancy presents a threat to the mother's life.
Anti-choice? I guess you may say I fit in there...
Out of site out of mind (conscious)

Tell me these equate to tumors and should be killed and evacuated as such.

Tell me these are not are not living individuals that have a feelings and emotions.

Tell me that each one does not have their unique DNA.

Ask a woman that has carried 3-4 children about the different personalities of each child she has carried. Some react to different foods the mother eats. Some are kickers some are quiet. Some react to the father’s voice. They startle at noises. The list goes on and on.

Click on these pictures and see what you have not seen before.

Living children doing what small humans do.

11 weeks

25 weeks

27 weeks

I will not even bother to post links of the resulting carnage of parts from healthy children after they have been killed, dismembered and removed in the call of a woman’s choice to kill a child.
Rape and incest and life threatening situations account for a very, very small percentage of abortions.

Let focus on the 95% of abortions preformed as a simple “choice” being the only reason for the abortion.

like Bill said "Because I could"
It doesn't matter what the percentage of abortions account for what. If you're anti-abortion then you're anti-abortion. Regardless of reason.
Well Rosey, you jumped right over the real questions and went straight for the vague.

It does matter.

OK the 5%.

Some babies are just doomed: anencephaly, encephalocele abortion is probably the right move. Even spinal bifida is usually survivable these days.

If its life threatening like arterial thrombosis, the baby could be viable at 24-weeks. Pregnancy complications are often known prior to the pregnancy, get fixed.

Rape? Incest? See the professionals and discuss the options.

I would gladly expand the social/welfare benefits to include tubal ligation as opposed to abortions.

So you have 5% of "ethical" abortions.

The other 95% of abortions are done "Because I could".

“Almost every third baby conceived in America is killed by abortion.” (1988 M&M report CDC)
As a woman, I would like to have the choice, if necessary, of having an abortion. I don't want lawmakers, sitting on their high horse, deciding for me what can and can't be done to my body. That said, I would like to hope I never have to face the decision of whether or not to have an abortion.
So the lady in the other thread is doing the right thing, dropping her new-born baby into the bucket of cement? After all as long as that pesky piece of stringy meat is connecting the baby to the mother its her body?

next thing ya' know the damn thing will want to feed on her too.


Theres lots of things that would be nice to have the choice of.

You can do what you want to your body, the mass slaughter of humans is by "doctors" is wrong.
Ku is right and that's my position.
Abortion is murder and it's a Woman's right! lol

The greater evil would be for the government to
think they have the right to Legislate what a women
does with the contents of HER uterus.

one thing that I always find funny about this whole issue is...

what rights does the father of the unborn child have

Well duh Winky none of course!

Hell I got a real charge out of the law that was passed that said that as a parent you don't even have to be notified if your 13 year old daughter gets an abortion.

Does anyone see a trend here???
Aren't we all PRO-LIFE??? I am deeply offended by that term. I am anti-abortion and Pro-Choice.
No one is responsible for their actions.

Just keep chantin' that to yourself Gonz
and you'll be alright...
no No NO
it is for YOU!
you are the ‘other guy’
just because you didn't have anything to do with their
mistakes doesn't mean they don't have a deed on your life!

afterall they are ENTITLED just for showing up!
I am the other guy? I am the other guy? I am the other guy???

Well shit. N Why didn't somebody tell me? It would have been so much easier to be one of the many, the uninformed, the masses.

The more I know the more I realize ignorance must be bliss.
After reading some responses I have to ask a question or two (man made grey areas.)

Why should abortion not be an option except when the egg donors life is on the line? Either it's a viable means to an end or it's wrong, every time. Judaeic law allows the mothers life argument. Catholicism, I believe, does not. I agree in this case with the Pope. If it's murder once it's always murder.

Sperm donors have the exact same rights & responsibilities as egg donors. Don't fuck. If you, men, give up that right & drop your drawers, you've given all the power away & are now the mercy of one of the most vengeful & un,erciful creatures in nature-a pregnant woman. Dumbass. If you want rights there are a few things you can do. Namely marry one who has similar religious & ethical values as yourself. If you think it doesn't matter, wait until you hold your child (or can't).

Bish said:
stop the birth of a malformed child,

Who the hell are you to decide who is sufficient to be alive?
Why should abortion not be an option except when the egg donors life is on the line?
That wasn't what I said. (I don't know if that was directed at me or not)
Sperm donors have the exact same rights & responsibilities as egg donors.
You left out "should." In real life they don't have anything like them.
Catholicism, I believe, does not.
But women aren't really people in catholicism.