About that Border again

That's like saying the farmers are the real bosses while wal-mart is just a middle-man.

Ultimately, that's true. Without farmers (producers) Wal-Mart has nothing to sell.

There are few, if any, drug "Kingpins" in the US. There are lots & lots of middle-men. They usually end up dead or in jail. Their customers are the local distributors who usually are their own best customers.
How about a drug lord with power equivalent to that of Arellano Felix? ;)
you reckon, with who? Apparently not the Pres.:hmm:

If you want border security you need to vote democrat.

Democrats Fought for Border Security; Republicans Blocked Effort To Increase Funding. Senate Democrats have also repeatedly fought to increase border security investments. For example, Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) offered an amendment to the FY 2005 Supplemental Appropriations bill to increase funding for border security by $390 million, providing for the hiring of additional Border Patrol agents and the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles. Democrats succeeded in adopting the Byrd amendment - by a vote of 65 to 34. However, most of this additional border security funding was removed by the GOP in conference. Since 9/11, House Democrats have also tried to increase investments in border security. For example, Rep. David Obey (D-WI) offered a motion to recommit the conference report on FY 2005 Supplemental Appropriations bill with instructions to add $284 million to fund an additional 550 Border Patrol agents, an additional 200 immigration agents, and unmanned border aerial vehicles. [2005 Senate Vote #105, 4/20/05; 2005 House Vote #160, 5/5/05]

Stupid criminals. $19M, in the markey, takes one from rich to weathy.
We're talking about the D's and R's in congress. Not all D's and R's.

I thought that would be implied since it was in reference to a quote about what congress has done on the matter.
oh, ok, I guess....
we'll let you slide one that on then. :p

Anyway, I've still seen nothing significant.
Have they filled the tunnels yet? What was that estimated cost again?
oh, ok, I guess....
we'll let you slide one that on then. :p

Anyway, I've still seen nothing significant.
Have they filled the tunnels yet? What was that estimated cost again?

They shouldn't even bother. Just place warning signs on the US side, and mine the tunnels.
I do think the threat of death is the only thing that will stop them,
I just think everybody ought to know it up front for it to have the best effect.
Of coarse there's going to be the ones who have to test it.....

NOone in DC has the balls to do it though.