Above the law?


molṑn labé
Staff member
The six-term congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-Ga.) apparently struck a Capitol Police officer when he tried to stop her from entering a House office building without going through a metal detector. Members of Congress wear identifying lapel pins and routinely are waved into buildings without undergoing security checks. The officer apparently did not recognize McKinney, she said in a statement.

...she has refused to apologize in a statement and a brief on-camera interview

Apparently she did this on tape.

Arrest & charge her.
aiding & abetting?
Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday labeled it "a mistake, an unfortunate lack of recognition of a member of Congress." She added that the police officer was not at fault.

"I would not make a big deal of this," said Pelosi, D-Calif.

Of course she wouldn't...umless it was DeLay doing the hitting
says the man who has never, not once, uttered anything short of derision for a Republican.
I'll consider answering yours when you answer anything you're asked.
What did I not answer? You are the one that runs off remember? I'm the one off the track chasing you.
Cynthina McKinney has been the embarassment of the inner city of Atlanta for years and years. She is nothing more than a race warfare whore that needs to be tied up in a sack and thrown over a bridge... along with her constituents.
Why is the race card played when there is touble?
For me it is a bullshit copout....

A lawyer for Rep. Cynthia McKinney, the Georgia congresswoman who had an altercation with a Capitol Police officer, says she was "just a victim of being in Congress while black."
McKinney awaited word Friday on whether she would be charged for apparently striking the officer after she entered a House office building this week unrecognized and did not stop when asked.

Two law enforcement officials said it was unlikely a warrant would be issued this week. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.
Her lawyer, James W. Myart Jr., said, "Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, like thousands of average Americans across this country, is, too, a victim of the excessive use of force by law enforcement officials because of how she looks and the color of her skin."
"Ms. McKinney is just a victim of being in Congress while black," Myart said. "Congresswoman McKinney will be exonerated."
A spokeswoman for U.S. Capitol Police did not immediately return a call seeking comment. Members of Congress wear identifying lapel pins and routinely are waved into buildings
highwayman said:
Why is the race card played when there is touble?
For me it is a bullshit copout....
It's because either...

1. Very many times race is part of the issue.
2. There's enough instances of (1) that it makes people extra sensitive and they perceive race as part of the issue when it probably isn't.
3. It's a bullshit copout.

Then on the flipside there's also a lot of people that will deny race is part of the issue when it really is (playing a reverse race card?).
this instance definately sounds like a copout.
the capitol cops had to be white. if they weren't, it would have been a simple "misunderstanding" and no one would be the wiser of the transgression.
Oh for chrissake...

A black woman is a member of Congress has she has the audacity to yell about racism from somebody who's hired to protect her & those like her.

A black woman in a member of Congress

Black woman Congress

Black Congress
Woman Congress

see the irony yet?

I hope they charge her & then throw the book at her.
Gonz said:
Oh for chrissake...

A black woman is a member of Congress has she has the audacity to yell about racism from somebody who's hired to protect her & those like her.

A black woman in a member of Congress

Black woman Congress

Black Congress
Woman Congress

see the irony yet?

I hope they charge her & then throw the book at her.
Why is it audacity? Should she keep quiet if there is racism?
Guys, I've been listening to her shit for nearly 15 years as a local boy to her district. She finds the newspaper racist because the pages are white. She is a whack-job shitdisturber. She is the racist. She lives in her own little la-la planet in the sky continually manufacturing Klan conspiracies for anything that gets in her way.
I suppose we need to know...if Cynthia is the elected official...and has been for over a decade, just how bad is the competition? Or is she just connected? ;)
Nope, it's the district. High crime, low educational standards, etc. Combine this with the Emory area (read, extreme left). She appeals to the base instincts in human beings, and that's what lives in her constituancy.
Yes and no. Her district, like all districts are shaped like pulled taffy... but being inner city, her district is mere miles across even though it tendrils all over.