Abstinance E.D. vs. Sex E.D.

Which would you prefer to see taught in Public schools?

  • Abstinance ONLY Education

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New Member
I am writing a paper on the issue of Abstinance E.D. vs. Sex E.D.
I really would like to hear your opinions. Be them Right or Left wing, I want to know your real opinions. It would really help alot.



New Member
Why doesn't sexual education include the pros of abstinance? Why does it have to be either or?


Staff member
nothing earthshaking here...just...it's gonna happen whether it's taught or not...may as well teach them the "safe" ways, and the information they need to have the ability and the nerve to protect themselves.


New Member
Rose said:
Why doesn't sexual education include the pros of abstinance? Why does it have to be either or?

I doesn't have to be either or. it's just that Right wing opinions, mostly want Abstinance inforced. in my opinion, both should be taught. people are going to have sex, we may as well teach them to be as safe as possible.
teen pregnancy is through the roof. i believe that the main cause for this is that most kids don't know all of the risks and procautions that are involved.

do you mind if i use these statements in my paper?


New Member
Leslie said:
nothing earthshaking here...just...it's gonna happen whether it's taught or not...may as well teach them the "safe" ways, and the information they need to have the ability and the nerve to protect themselves.

i don't mean to offend anybody, i was just asking for opoinions.


New Member
I don't mind if mine are used, can't speak for the rest.

But you're right - both should be taught. Sex is going to happen - educate 'young people' about sex and educating includes providing the benefits of "waiting" or abstinence, if you will.


New Member
Rose said:
I don't mind if mine are used, can't speak for the rest.

But you're right - both should be taught. Sex is going to happen - educate 'young people' about sex and educating includes providing the benefits of "waiting" or abstinence, if you will.

thank you


molṑn labé
Staff member
Let's start with, isn't abstinance part of sex education? If not, why not?


molṑn labé
Staff member
and some think teaching fellatio is alright.

Let's not go to extremes.


New Member
Abstinence at the exclusion of discussing and explaining the fundamentals of the entire reproductive process and STDs is a disservice. Pretending that youthful hormones can be kept in check with a mere 'I can't tell you what it is that I don't want you doing... just don't do it.' is rather ill advised in a relatively free country. One will be exposed to much temptation and get glimpses of some truth and some lies; not knowing what to believe... and ultimately leading to a much greater percentage of the youth really messing up their lives. Sole teaching of abstinence is much easier in countries where external influences are minimized and the hard imbedded traditions allow for greater respect of societal morays and your elders merely saying 'don't do it'.


molṑn labé
Staff member
unc said:
Sole teaching of abstinence is much easier in countries where external influences are minimized and the hard imbedded traditions allow for greater respect of societal morays and your elders merely saying 'don't do it'.

Well put. Now they can yell at you for awhile,


New Member
unclehobart said:
Abstinence at the exclusion of discussing and explaining the fundamentals of the entire reproductive process and STDs is a disservice. Pretending that youthful hormones can be kept in check with a mere 'I can't tell you what it is that I don't want you doing... just don't do it.' is rather ill advised in a relatively free country. One will be exposed to much temptation and get glimpses of some truth and some lies; not knowing what to believe... and ultimately leading to a much greater percentage of the youth really messing up their lives. Sole teaching of abstinence is much easier in countries where external influences are minimized and the hard imbedded traditions allow for greater respect of societal morays and your elders merely saying 'don't do it'.

thank you, for your point of view. i totally agree. people WILL have sex. it is part of the human nature. also teens are constantly bombarded with images of sex. their nature will make them want to know what all the fuss is about. we may as well give them all of the facts, so that then they may make the dicision that is right for them.


New Member
Gonz said:
Well put. Now they can yell at you for awhile,

Well in the United States external influences are pushed to the max. How do you know that your child will not be pressured into something and not know what to do simply because they have not been educated in this area.


New Member
At my school, sex ed told us simply "Don't Do it"....but, what do we if we get in a situation where it can happen..."Don't Do it" is there answer. That doesn't help. What happens when you tell teens NOT to do something? They go out and do it. I think sex ed would be more effective if they taught everything about sex, not just telling us to abstine from it.


New Member
Gonz said:
Well put. Now they can yell at you for awhile,
I don't think I will be yelled at. Its not really my personal opinion. Its just a 3rd party observation on how the world seems to be.


New Member
i was taught both...by my mother, and then in school. i truly believe that adults have the responsibilty of discussing sex and abstinance to children...it's ignorance that causes so many under aged pregnancies...ignorance of the workings of your own bodies...wild animals tend to have a better understanding of their bodies and sexuality than children these days. it's not a matter of religion or morals it's a manner of education. how can you expect people to make a mature decision if they are not educated on the matter? if they truly don't understand the repurcussions (sp?) of their actions than how can they make solid decisions? it's not a permission slip for immoral activity...it should be looked at as human education.


Well-Known Member
Nature is a more powerful influence than TV and movies could ever be, on sexual experimentation. Take a look at the Mormons or those buggy-riding guys/gals (Can't remember the name right now). They don't have the kind of exposure to television and movie sex, magazine advertising etc...that America JR does...but they're still going to be driven, by their own biology, into experimenting.

Mom and Dad can scream "Just don't do it" to their hearts content, but once the blood starts boiling...those screams with just vanish. At that point, you can either have a pair of kids with some idea about what teh consequences of sex can be (including pregnancy, STDs, etc...) or you can have a pair of kids who heard from someone that "If you stand up after sex, you can't get pregnant" or "You can't get pregnant the first time" or any other number of inanities.

It's a matter of hormones vs. teaching/religion/parents ... and you know what? With one arm tied behind it's back, hormones will win out every time!
