Abstinance E.D. vs. Sex E.D.

Which would you prefer to see taught in Public schools?

  • Abstinance ONLY Education

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CydCharisse said:
At my school, sex ed told us simply "Don't Do it"....but, what do we if we get in a situation where it can happen..."Don't Do it" is there answer. That doesn't help. What happens when you tell teens NOT to do something? They go out and do it. I think sex ed would be more effective if they taught everything about sex, not just telling us to abstine from it.

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD Call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tonks said:
i was taught both...by my mother, and then in school. i truly believe that adults have the responsibilty of discussing sex and abstinance to children...it's ignorance that causes so many under aged pregnancies...ignorance of the workings of your own bodies...wild animals tend to have a better understanding of their bodies and sexuality than children these days. it's not a matter of religion or morals it's a manner of education. how can you expect people to make a mature decision if they are not educated on the matter? if they truly don't understand the repurcussions (sp?) of their actions than how can they make solid decisions? it's not a permission slip for immoral activity...it should be looked at as human education.

MrBishop said:
Nature is a more powerful influence than TV and movies could ever be, on sexual experimentation. Take a look at the Mormons or those buggy-riding guys/gals (Can't remember the name right now). They don't have the kind of exposure to television and movie sex, magazine advertising etc...that America JR does...but they're still going to be driven, by their own biology, into experimenting.

"those buggy-riding guys/gals" Amish

Mom and Dad can scream "Just don't do it" to their hearts content, but once the blood starts boiling...those screams with just vanish. At that point, you can either have a pair of kids with some idea about what teh consequences of sex can be (including pregnancy, STDs, etc...) or you can have a pair of kids who heard from someone that "If you stand up after sex, you can't get pregnant" or "You can't get pregnant the first time" or any other number of inanities.

It's a matter of hormones vs. teaching/religion/parents ... and you know what? With one arm tied behind it's back, hormones will win out every time!

MrBishop said:
Nature is a more powerful influence than TV and movies could ever be, on sexual experimentation. Take a look at the Mormons or those buggy-riding guys/gals (Can't remember the name right now). They don't have the kind of exposure to television and movie sex, magazine advertising etc...that America JR does...but they're still going to be driven, by their own biology, into experimenting.

Mom and Dad can scream "Just don't do it" to their hearts content, but once the blood starts boiling...those screams with just vanish. At that point, you can either have a pair of kids with some idea about what teh consequences of sex can be (including pregnancy, STDs, etc...) or you can have a pair of kids who heard from someone that "If you stand up after sex, you can't get pregnant" or "You can't get pregnant the first time" or any other number of inanities.

It's a matter of hormones vs. teaching/religion/parents ... and you know what? With one arm tied behind it's back, hormones will win out every time!

Fighting Dull Threads Everywhere!
"We have reason to believe that man first walked upright to free his hands for masturbation." (Lilly Tomlin)
"Don’t bother discussing sex with small children. They rarely have anything to add." (Fran Lebowitz)
"Nothing risqué, nothing gained." (Alexander Woolcott)
"The only unnatural sex act is that which you cannot perform." (Dr. Alfred Kinsey)
Christ died for our sins. Dare we make his martyrdom meaningless by not committing them?" (Jules Feiffer)
"It isn't premarital sex if you have no intention of getting married." (Matt Barry)
Cute. real cute.
HornedHalo16 said:
MrBishop said:
Nature is a more powerful influence than TV and movies could ever be, on sexual experimentation. Take a look at the Mormons or those buggy-riding guys/gals (Can't remember the name right now). They don't have the kind of exposure to television and movie sex, magazine advertising etc...that America JR does...but they're still going to be driven, by their own biology, into experimenting.

Mom and Dad can scream "Just don't do it" to their hearts content, but once the blood starts boiling...those screams with just vanish. At that point, you can either have a pair of kids with some idea about what teh consequences of sex can be (including pregnancy, STDs, etc...) or you can have a pair of kids who heard from someone that "If you stand up after sex, you can't get pregnant" or "You can't get pregnant the first time" or any other number of inanities.

It's a matter of hormones vs. teaching/religion/parents ... and you know what? With one arm tied behind it's back, hormones will win out every time!

Fighting Dull Threads Everywhere!
"We have reason to believe that man first walked upright to free his hands for masturbation." (Lilly Tomlin)
"Don’t bother discussing sex with small children. They rarely have anything to add." (Fran Lebowitz)
"Nothing risqué, nothing gained." (Alexander Woolcott)
"The only unnatural sex act is that which you cannot perform." (Dr. Alfred Kinsey)
Christ died for our sins. Dare we make his martyrdom meaningless by not committing them?" (Jules Feiffer)
"It isn't premarital sex if you have no intention of getting married." (Matt Barry)
Cute. real cute.

Just a Reminder, I MAY use these insites in a Research Paper. I posted this to poll public opinions. (P.S. There is also a poll on here somewhere.)
I think you're looking for Quakers, Bish.

and my personal fav. You can't get preggers if you do it under a tree.

DIDYA KNOW that stuffing a penny up a girls twat after sex cuts the risk of getting preggers by 90%? It also makes for a cheap date.
i would really appreciate it if you got opinions from friends too if you don't mind. So far, I totally agree with all of you. But i need views from the other side of the coin too. No Pressure! But if you wouldn't mind starting an interesting convo with your friends...
Professur said:
DIDYA KNOW that stuffing a penny up a girls twat after sex cuts the risk of getting preggers by 90%? It also makes for a cheap date.

Ah..that's why one of me ex's used to rattle like a piggy bank! :eek6:
Professur said:
I think you're looking for Quakers, Bish.

and my personal fav. You can't get preggers if you do it under a tree.

DIDYA KNOW that stuffing a penny up a girls twat after sex cuts the risk of getting preggers by 90%? It also makes for a cheap date.

Amish actually, the guy who posted this thread answered me on that, though he seems to be having a hard time with the
HornedHalo16 said:
Well in the United States external influences are pushed to the max. How do you know that your child will not be pressured into something and not know what to do simply because they have not been educated in this area.

Because his mother & I take the time to teach our kid.