Where to start....where to start....where
to start....
How about at the top...
Gotnolegs said:
Why is it that you equate disgust at the way we have been lied to about the reasons for this war, and disgust about the deaths of thousands of innocent people as wanting to see the allied forces fail?
I'm not 100% sure of all that has been said in Britain but in the US Bush has stated a number of reasons to go to war. Before action ever took place. None of which were lies.
Deaths of innocents is the price of war. It's a very sad & unfortunate fact. The entire body count from coalition forces & the ongoing insurgent fighters is still only a fraction of the attrocities attributed to saddam.
I believe that the opponents to this war wish coalition failure for any number of reasons. One of which is, we've done it & still you go on about nothing but the bad. You seek out & find nothing but negative news stories & reply to positive news with disdain. You fail to recognize facts.
Squiggy said we're only fixing what we broke. Untrue. With the exception of Baghdad, most of Iraq had sporatic power at best. They didn't have clean water to begin with, in most cities. Their infrastructure was in shambles before we began. Today. it's in better shape than it was before the Iran war, which was it's peak.
Squiggy said:
Our failure was inevitable
You know something I don't? You're speaking in past tense & from what I can gather, we're still there & haven't failed at squat. The leadership is gone, the people have more food & medicine & they're working on a better sysytem of government. Some outside terrorists & former party hardliners are being a pain in the ass but they're being taken care of, slowly but surely. Better on the streets of Tikrit than on the streets of Philadelphia.
You are right about one thing. He wasn't the only tyrant in the world. There you veer off course. To begin with, he spent 12 years fucking the UN & making them look impotent. He continuued WMD programs. He used oil for food money to enrich himself. He committed genocide, to the (current) count of over 300,000 Iraqi's. He, his sons &/or his regime directly & indirectly participated in rape, maiming, murder, crimes against humanity & war crimes. Hell, they even committed crimes against nature (draining the marshlands). One or 1000 tyrants doesn't matter. What does it they are stopped. It takes one step to begin a journey.
I find the arguments that a middle eastern country being incapable (or not ready if you prefer) of a democratic government to be incredibly racists & short sighted. Why is it possible for causcasians to have one but not our olive skinned clans? There had never been one before the European settlers made one. Well, we're trying to make another one. With some help & the backing of nations around the world it can & will happen. These people are the ones that brought science out of the witches closet. It's our turn to help them return to glory days.
For those of you who can't get over the 2000 elections...get over it. Dubya stole nothing. It was legally handled & is legally binding. He beat Gore fair & square, according to the Constitution. Read it, it's good stuff.