Advantages of being vegan

I love all of natures nitrate ridden high fat formerly living 4 legged medium rare offerings as well... but I do have to agree with LL. Going purrist will eventually pay off with the energy bit. I have done 100 day cleansing routines in the past. After about 3 weeks the system stops bitching for meat and settles into plant matter. Shaking the caffeine was worse... thats like heroin.

Being purist vegan is beneficial to a lean efficient muscle mass if you want to look slim and wiry. If you are looking for shape and bulk... you do need some animal source muscle... perferably the lean stuff.. turkey and chicken. Any decent substitute powder drink costs out the yin yang.
I'd like to order a rare T-bone, 3 eggs-over easy, grits & a little red-eye gravy please. Throw in a slab of sourdough bread with real butter & a pepsi. mmm, mmm, good.
I know a lot of vegetarians and vegans and some are in good health, some are not. Its not only what you eat, but in which combinations and what lifestyle you follow (Sports, smoking....)

I agree, however, that a vegan diet can cater all nutritional needs. So more power to you LL. :rolleyes:

And everything gains value if you treasure it. So if one cuts down on meat, the rare instance one buries his teeth in a steak is even more a celebration than if he gets one every day.

As my diet must not contain grains of any sort (wheat and such), vegetarian lifestyle is not really possible. :(
maybe you have more energy now, because u ate shit before. i will maintain the belief that a proper diet with meat and veggtables is healther than just veggies.

the ONLY reason i see for becoming a vegetarian/vegan is moral reasons.
LL!!! That is SO mean!!! This fish is my pet!!!!

*hugs trout* It's ok baby, the mean man didn't mean it" *puts trout back in his pond*
whoreable said:
maybe you have more energy now, because u ate shit before. i will maintain the belief that a proper diet with meat and veggtables is healther than just veggies.

the ONLY reason i see for becoming a vegetarian/vegan is moral reasons.
I love it when people who never tried it try to tell you why it isn't better. Meat contains absolutely nothing that you can't get from the plant kingdom in some form, plus a whole lot of other bad stuff. And I know, the meat industry's diet experts like to tell you that your body needs meat. It doesn't. I dare anyone to go for 2 months without meat and see if they still think meat is tasteful.

And there are other reasons to become vegans... You are quite a bit more heathy.

I suggest, if you want more information, to read Fit for Life. Its a really interesting book with lots of interesting information.

I don't care if other people eat meat though, for me it is just a preference. :)
Nixy said:
LL!!! That is SO mean!!! This fish is my pet!!!!

*hugs trout* It's ok baby, the mean man didn't mean it" *puts trout back in his pond*
Aw, I'm sorry, time to make up.. :hug:
Pez Dispenser said:
I know a lot of vegetarians and vegans and some are in good health, some are not. Its not only what you eat, but in which combinations and what lifestyle you follow (Sports, smoking....)

I agree, however, that a vegan diet can cater all nutritional needs. So more power to you LL. :rolleyes:

And everything gains value if you treasure it. So if one cuts down on meat, the rare instance one buries his teeth in a steak is even more a celebration than if he gets one every day.

As my diet must not contain grains of any sort (wheat and such), vegetarian lifestyle is not really possible. :(
Its still rather easy to be vegan and manage a gluten allergy. There are several cookbooks written for such a person as yourself.
whoreable said:
is that why they make special vitamans for vegans.
I don't take any special vitamins. Mh, I don't take any at all. Do you know what? Except for that viral infection a few weeks ago, I haven't been ill in hm, a long time. A very long time. I don't have a single cavity either. I'm not allergic to anything either. I don't get headaches either. Haven't taken medication in years. Not even a pain killer. :)
Its still rather easy to be vegan and manage a gluten allergy. There are several cookbooks written for such a person as yourself

Really? Care to share the name of some books? I´d like to research a bit on this.

Got really shocked by a few people, showing me their diet plans and had a traumatic experience with a worshipper of macrobiotic diet. After that I never tried to get into this again.
whoreable said:
thats great but you still can't deny that they make the vitaman specifically for vegans.
And? They make a thousand times more diet pills, vitamins, weight loss crap, antacids, antibiotics and so on for you meat lovers. :shrug:
my point is these vitamans are to help supplement things that vegans don't get much of thru lack of eating meat.

30,000 hits on Google for gluten free cooking
11,000 hits on Google for gluten free cookbook

wow, guess searching only offline for german ressources wasnt the most bright idea.....

Thanks a ton *starts burrowing himself in cooking sites*
LastLegionary said:
whoreable said:
is that why they make special vitamans for vegans.
I don't take any special vitamins. Mh, I don't take any at all. Do you know what? Except for that viral infection a few weeks ago, I haven't been ill in hm, a long time. A very long time. I don't have a single cavity either. I'm not allergic to anything either. I don't get headaches either. Haven't taken medication in years. Not even a pain killer. :)

Except for the "viral infection" part & the cavity part( I am a pop drinker) that's me. Healthy as a fucking horse & hung like one too. Diet is irrelevent, as long as you're getting the needed nutrients. I happen to like meat. You don't. Who cares. Don't sell your brand of snake oil (veganism) & I won't sell mine (evolutionary omnivorism). :D