Advantages of being vegan

Its half vitamin deficiencies, half production process to ensure that there arent ill ingredients in the pills themselves.
I'm not trying to sell anything :D Just stating advantages. I really don't care what people eat as long as it isn't kicking.
exactly eating a heatlthy meat diet is no worse than a healthy vegan diet. doing it to be healthy is irrelavent. i think that the only reason to do it is if you personally have something against eating animals.

although i do know for a fact that my vegitarian friend took vitamans for something...and on the bottle they said vegatarian supplement.
whoreable said:
exactly eating a heatlthy meat diet is no worse than a healthy vegan diet. doing it to be healthy is irrelavent. i think that the only reason to do it is if you personally have something against eating animals.

although i do know for a fact that my vegitarian friend took vitamans for something...and on the bottle they said vegatarian supplement.
Well, unless he gets a lot of variety he may need it... Does he eat lots of nuts and olive oil?

Anyways, one advantage of being vegan is precisely because it is healthier than a meat diet, because meat is toxic. :p (OK so it tastes nice in some cases)
he eats EVERYTHING...well balanced with an excess of junk.

Given the time & place, I'd prefer to go back to raising my own beef, pork & poultry (we did that as a kid). I garden & am picky about my veggies. Meat is almost soley cooked on a grill. Don't assume omnivores are unhealthy. Tis better to have a big ole nasty shit that excrete rabbit pellets all the time. :D
for someone who claims not to be selling veganism you ain't half beating the drum hard. you said you didn't care if people wanted to eat meat, if so then stop giving a rough ride to those that do and have expressed a wish to do so here.

my missus was an evangelical veggie when she started out too. thankfully its abated by now.
LastLegionary said:
I fully agree, and other living beings aren't food. :p

Veggies are living beings :p
In fact, sometimes you eat them alive, ever heard of photosynthesis?
also, be sure to not swallow your spit when you chew something... thats just more animal product ... you murderer. :eh: :)
Luis G said:
LastLegionary said:
I fully agree, and other living beings aren't food. :p

Veggies are living beings :p
In fact, sometimes you eat them alive, ever heard of photosynthesis?
You are a shit disturber. Plants aren't self conscious. If you want to argue that point, bring me conclusive and absolute proof.
LastLegionary said:
Luis G said:
LastLegionary said:
I fully agree, and other living beings aren't food. :p

Veggies are living beings :p
In fact, sometimes you eat them alive, ever heard of photosynthesis?
You are a shit disturber. Plants aren't self conscious. If you want to argue that point, bring me conclusive and absolute proof.

i have no proof if they are conscious just as you don't have proof of their lack of conscience, but this is a fact: PLANTS ARE LIVING BEINGS.
milf isn't self conscious nor are eggs self conscious cheese isn't either self conscious.

i i know that beef isn't self conscious.
There is a difference between plants and animals, and I'm pretty sure 99% of the people here got the distinction I was trying to make.

Getting enough vitamin B12 is one worry that may have a grain of truth. This vitamin is made by bacteria, and is abundant in corpses (meat), eggs, and mammary secretions (milk). Where vegans can get it is not so clear. Some vegans have gone for decades with no known source of B12, whereas others have developed a deficiency only a few years after becoming vegan. Since B12 deficiency is serious, play it safe and take a 25 microgram supplement every week. (Look for the words cobalamin or cyanocobalamin on the label.)
uncleh, i've never had a vitamin deficiency. That is really bullshit. Just eat a wide variety of fruit, nuts, and vegetables and you won't need additional pills.
B12 isnt in plants ... and can take years to come to a deficiency stage. I wouldn't do the daily vitamin thing. I personally would just be dabbling with a multivitamin once a month just to cover the loose ends. A person who went vegan overnight from a meaty diet would take up to 10 years to experience such medical conditions. Its not as if its something that has to be watched like a hawk.. its just something to dwell on as a systemic tune up once in a great while.