Album cover help

I'm sure I've asked before, but ever do the "Wizard of Oz" trick?
I have to try that one day. I did introduce my kids to the WoO movie just this past Sunday. They were daughter is NOT fond of flying monkeys :eek:
I didn't. I did go to my friendly neighborhood tattoo parlor where I was given the link to a site with a flash album so I can find stuff thataway.

Can you do me a favor? Can you tell me if Photoshop is the best way to do what I want? I want to take the roses from this pic (for consistency's sake) and make a seperate graphic of 3 roses in a little cluster. Is this easily done?
"Easy" is relative. It's a matter of using the selection tool to outline each rose...then CTRL-J (Puts each rose on a seperate layer.) Once they're each on their own layers, you can move them around until you'rehappy with the layout, merge the layers and use them over and over again....

For selecting, use the lasso tool to give a wide outline to the rose. Use the Magic Wand while holding ALT to remove sections of colour from the lassood selection, then go back with the lasso to clean up the selection until you're happy with it. Then Hit CTRL-J.

or you could ask nice and I can do it f'r ya :D
Um...Bish? Since you're so knowledgable and so very, very sweet and seeing as how I would have to install Photoshop and take all the tutorials and stuff....I was wondering, if you weren't too terribly busy, if maybe you could find some time to work on this for me, please? I understand if you were too swamped but maybe you had a few moments to give to the school kids? *Bats eyelashes
:rofl: :blush:
But of course. do you want'em (In a triangle, in a row etc.? )
Do you want to keep the leaves as well?
Some leaves, yes.
Let me lay it out for you. The skull pic is going to be justified towards the top left of the shirt like a large chest/pec tattoo and the 3 roses you will be working on will be justified to the bottom right like a pelvis tat. So perhaps we should do a sorta triangular cluster with the solo point at the bottom. You dig?

Thanks :D
You realize that the image I'm working on now (although large on screen), will likely be pixelated when printed?

Lemme see if I can find a better (larger) image of some roses to use...or a skull. I can enlarge the image to a point, but I don't want it to look pixelated for you.
I will probably be providing the screenprinters with an electronic file for tweaking but if you think it'll be a problem (you'd know better) do what you will.
I'd like the roses to match the roses from the skull graphic as much as possible.