All about abortion in a world without God.


Well-Known Member
The intent of this post is to give reasons against abortion while exluding any religious precepts.

1: A fetus is not a fully developed human being.

In a matter of weeks it will be if you let it.

2: A fetus cannot feel the pain of abortion.

If someone kills you in your sleep you won't feel it. Does that make it ok?

3: The fetus does not think like a fully developed human being.

Neither do many mentally challenged people around the world. Are they worth any less because of it?

4: What if a 13 year old is raped by her father and doesn't want to have the child?

Then don't have it! The arguement all or nothing" where abortion is concerned is folly. 99.99% of the cases in America cannot make this extreme arguement yet it's the one that 99% of pro-abortionists use in reasoning abortion acceptance. There are clauses in the murder laws to make exception for things like self defensive and i believe that most anti-abortionists believe there should be the same with abortion laws. This is nothing more than a scare tactic. In the twenty-first century even most republicans understand these things
No argument as to possible injury to the mother? scarring? long term health issues? possible bleedout death during the op?

I wonder if there is a concept of rape without religion? of murder? ...all laws are just extentions of morality and moral= religion. Therefore murder is a religious argument as well as rape.
HeXp£Øi± said:
2: A fetus cannot feel the pain of abortion.

If someone kills you in your sleep you won't feel it. Does that make it ok?

A very young fetus does not yet have the potential to feel pain. big distinction.
How about this hypothetical. In a world without religion, the concentration of languages, writing, books, and exploration would have all be reasonably delayed if not stunted outright. Technology would not be nearly be at par. In all likelyhood it would be a few 100 years out of whack. Abortions would be a grisly affair for the woman at best as medicine would barely be past the pointy stick and leeches phase.
unclehobart said:
How about this hypothetical. In a world without religion, the concentration of languages, writing, books, and exploration would have all be reasonably delayed if not stunted outright. Technology would not be nearly be at par. In all likelyhood it would be a few 100 years out of whack. Abortions would be a grisly affair for the woman at best as medicine would barely be past the pointy stick and leeches phase.
I disagree. All these advancements you mention were driven by trade and currency. Religion at best was not a significant factor and at worst actually held back advancement (dark ages?).

Example: Did Columbus sail on a journey of discovery, or to save the spice traders money?
It was a hindrance only after the genie was let out of the bag. In the oldest of times ,while stuff was muck-a-muck, the medicine men and early priests were actually the scholars handing down knowledge so that it could be built upon in the future. I believe that religion was the genesis of modern knowledge... certainly not the end all be all. It became corrupt unto its own ends after a while... but only after reading and writing had crept beyond their tight reigns.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Moot in that I feel we do NOT live in a Godless world.

Well i'm a christian. The point of this thread however is to attempt to share fresh ideas with those pro-abortionists that are athiest. Using religion to convince an athiest that abortion is wrong, now that's moot too the extreme. So if an athiest is going to shut you down whenever you mention the word god, which they often do these days, then why not focus on the logical aspects that we can all understand? After all when considering abortion isn't the baby what's important? Believing in god is a different issue.
unclehobart said:
It was a hindrance only after the genie was let out of the bag. In the oldest of times ,while stuff was muck-a-muck, the medicine men and early priests were actually the scholars handing down knowledge so that it could be built upon in the future. I believe that religion was the genesis of modern knowledge... certainly not the end all be all. It became corrupt unto its own ends after a while... but only after reading and writing had crept beyond their tight reigns.

And again, I disagree. The shamans and such of prehistory knew they had a good thing going, and kept the knowledge controlled as best they were able. They didn't hand it out, they passed it along to their successor. The supression of knowledge in the middle ages was merenly a logical progression of this. It was the traders who spread a commonality of language and came up with a written notation. Of course, unless you know where to borrow a time machine we can't know for sure.
I can't accept your position because to do so would be saying that the vast majority would be corrupt from the outset. I believe that more lived under the piety of their office. Its only after the organization of religion got to the point that it had political tiers within itself that it became as corrupt as the AFL/CIO.
I understand your position and support it except for the initial germintaion that got the ball rolling. The first percent was the creation of tools and being able to sew crops to make the odd surplus so that the hunter/gatherer stage could stall and allow the mental capacities to start up with intellectualism. The second percentage point was religion and the written word. It was trade and whatnot that made it go through the 50,000% inflation since.
wtf is wrong in here?! It's an abortion thread and there's no massive brawling goin on! :eek:
HeXp£Øi± said:
then why not focus on the logical aspects that we can all understand? After all when considering abortion isn't the baby what's important? Believing in god is a different issue.

I love the concept. I also know the gap, in this particular instance, lays elsewhere. God or not, pro-abortion & anti-abortion forces have a much wider gap to overcome than religion. They can't even agree whether or when it's life.