Out-freaking-standing OTC member
MrBishop said:I greatly doubt it. Women have been prompting abortions for hundreds of years, either through chemical means (through herbal abortions), poisons, or through physical means... remember the coathanger? Women dying in childbirth, women drowning their babies or tossing them in the trash, leaving them out in the cold etc. ad nauseum.'s safer for the woman because of medical advances, but take that away...and there are still plenty of hangers in the closet and still plenty of spaces in the graveyard for women who'll try, and fail, to abort on their own.
I'm anti-abortion and pro-choice. These are not polar opposites. I don't quite get why people see them this way.
*I'm going to try and start a 'world without religion' thread...It's a very interesting topic and muddling it up with an abortion thread will only make it lose out in the end **
But those women were suffering from post-partum psychosis...right?
What we have here, is women who decide the right to a fetus' life or death. No man will ever experience that without a trip to the 'stripey hole'. Not to make your choice of words seem light, but, in order to stop the bullshit about abortion, give the man a choice as well...I know tg is going to have a hissy fit, but, if you want to stop the bull, make the father raise the child. Likewise, if the woman wants to keep the child, and the man opts for abortion, absolve the father of all rights and child support payments. If you want people to behave responsibly, then make them responsible. Don't want kids? Keep your pants zipped/legs closed until you are emotionally ready to have kids. If there's a divorce, you've got a whole different ball of wax...