All about abortion in a world without God.

MrBishop said:
I greatly doubt it. Women have been prompting abortions for hundreds of years, either through chemical means (through herbal abortions), poisons, or through physical means... remember the coathanger? Women dying in childbirth, women drowning their babies or tossing them in the trash, leaving them out in the cold etc. ad nauseum.'s safer for the woman because of medical advances, but take that away...and there are still plenty of hangers in the closet and still plenty of spaces in the graveyard for women who'll try, and fail, to abort on their own.

I'm anti-abortion and pro-choice. These are not polar opposites. I don't quite get why people see them this way.

*I'm going to try and start a 'world without religion' thread...It's a very interesting topic and muddling it up with an abortion thread will only make it lose out in the end **

But those women were suffering from post-partum psychosis...right? :rolleyes:

What we have here, is women who decide the right to a fetus' life or death. No man will ever experience that without a trip to the 'stripey hole'. Not to make your choice of words seem light, but, in order to stop the bullshit about abortion, give the man a choice as well...I know tg is going to have a hissy fit, but, if you want to stop the bull, make the father raise the child. Likewise, if the woman wants to keep the child, and the man opts for abortion, absolve the father of all rights and child support payments. If you want people to behave responsibly, then make them responsible. Don't want kids? Keep your pants zipped/legs closed until you are emotionally ready to have kids. If there's a divorce, you've got a whole different ball of wax...
i know from a friend of mine that abortions, especially if you have a lot of them, ravage a woman's body and make it hard to carry a child when one is actually wanted.
that's actually a fair bit of why i would not have an abortion. i'd be too afraid of being infertile etc. cos i do want kids someday.
"i would not have an abortion... cos i do want kids someday"

Hmmm I jus dunno
there is just something about that sentiment that...
well, I can't quite put it into werds... *stumbles off with a furrowed brow*
i just realised that one statement seems fairly obvious, but in the context of my entire post it means what i meant it to.
an abortion can harm one's chances of having a kid later on down the line when they actually WANT one.

i guess to clarify exactly what i meant, "if i found out i was pregnant and was not prepared to raise a child, i would have it adopted, rather than abort it, because when i am ready to have kids years from now, i want to make sure i have no complications from a previous abortion"
ash r said:
i just realised that one statement seems fairly obvious, but in the context of my entire post it means what i meant it to.
an abortion can harm one's chances of having a kid later on down the line when they actually WANT one.

i guess to clarify exactly what i meant, "if i found out i was pregnant and was not prepared to raise a child, i would have it adopted, rather than abort it, because when i am ready to have kids years from now, i want to make sure i have no complications from a previous abortion"

Now, this is where I have a problem. If you go to a car dealership and sign all the papers, and then a couple of weeks later change your mind, you can't just take it back and all's forgotten. There's a price to pay. What you're saying, Ash, is "I made a mistake. But I don't want to pay for it." Which is understandable. Noone wants to pay for their mistakes. But if the mistake is just made to go away, what have you learned? You've learned that you don't have to pay, that's what. And everyone around you learns that they don't have to pay either. And very soon, everyone's standing around waiting for someone else to fix their mistakes, instead of not damn well making them in the first place.
Women who get their wombs scraped out should stop buying the lie that the Left has been selling them.
A pregnancy, motherhood and being a parent isn't a burden and a curse but a joy and a gift from God.
if my parents would kick me out/if i lost other housing situation if i got pregnant, if i had some shit job and couldn't afford and had no time for college so i could get a better job and could barely scrape by even with only having to take care of myself, let alone a child, i think it would be hard, if not impossible, to see it as a joy or a gift from any form of god.

those are not the shoes i am in, but are the shoes people i've known have had to walk in.

"i'm going to be homeless!" and "i'm going to be poor and starving and unable to care for a screaming child!" and "i am so grateful to god!" are not phrases usually seen together, unless the last is sarcastic.

i want to say more but can't articulate it properly at the moment. perhaps i'll add later.
Well I for one look forward to your further elucidation.

Now if we could get the women in the third world to think like that "oh what a wunderful werld it would be". heh

"please enlighten us a little we are all in a dark room"
Thulsa Doom said:
Are you saying she deserves complications that may keep her from having kids in the future?
He's been pretty consistent over the years in stating that if she can't handle the consequences now, she should take measures to prevent a pregnancy... namely, keeping her legs shut. I don't recall ever seeing him deviate from that position.
Inkara1 said:
namely, keeping her legs shut.

Jane you ignorant slut...wait, sorry, that's from another thread.

I do find it amazing that in the 21st century, with all the scientific knowledge, relative moralism & ending of the sexual bondage how few women realize that, in the end, that is the safest & most reliable way to avoid certain unforseen & avoidable problems. I was happy they didn't back in my slut days.