All Hail the Minutemen Project


molṑn labé
Staff member
It's working. Luis, what's the deal with your gov't?

Mexico will suspend its plan to distribute maps to migrants wanting to cross the U.S. border illegally, but an official said Thursday the decision was not made because of American pressure.

Miguel Angel Paredes, spokesman for the federal Human Rights Commission, said the government wanted to "rethink" its plan because human rights officials in border states expressed concern that the maps would show anti-immigrant groups _ like the Minutemen civilian patrols _ where migrants likely would gather.

"This would be practically like telling the Minutemen where the migrants are going to be," Paredes said. "We are going to rethink this, so that we wouldn't almost be handing them over to groups that attack migrants."

Attacks immigrants huh? Immigrants apply with the State Dept. Illegals walk over the border in the desert & demand to be taken to the welfare office.

And risk endangering the rare and precious pygmy desert bottle-nosed nightcrawling hairless grub?
Like house motion sensors, I don't think a teeny mouse is going to set off a mine. They only sense mass above that of a dog or so.
gotta do sometin'. This was let go way too long before 9-11. It's just ridiculous
that it's been let go this long after.
Trau said:
That's quite a disgusting thing to say.

I agree. Claymores would be much more fitting, as the target has to be identified by a human before the mine can be set off...
Gato_Solo said:
I agree. Claymores would be much more fitting, as the target has to be identified by a human before the mine can be set off...
I'd agree so long as there it wouldn't detonate for an individual under know, kids and whatnot.
Hey Trau at least no one has advocated carpet
bombing the 'source' of the problem, heh let me be the first!

Ah hell we've got all those multiple independently targeted re-entry vehicle
warheads left over from he cold war that we won, let's just use them!?!
I think it's disgusting that we're letting another nation "walk" in and "take over".
If you don't think they've got a foot firmly planted in our government, already,
just do some checking.

(that's exactly how the russians said they'd do it) since the cold war though, we've gone slack.
catocom said:
I think it's disgusting that we're letting another nation "walk" in and "take over".

I fail to see that. They don't any nefarious goals; they only wish to feed their families. You would do the same if need be.

Besides, it isn't like we didn't steal half of their country.

Are you Christian?
Trau said:
I fail to see that. They don't any nefarious goals; they only wish to feed their families. You would do the same if need be.

Besides, it isn't like we didn't steal half of their country.

Are you Christian?
Then let them do it the legal way. My mother is an immigrant. She didn't come in illegally. It's not like it can't happen.
And what does Christianity have to do with this?