All you Montreal Folks!


Staff member
Do any of you live anywhere near Concordia University??

Looks like I'm gonna be in Montreal for a bridge building competition at Concordia from The evening of Thursday March 3 until sometime on Sat March 5. :)
Nixy said:
Do any of you live anywhere near Concordia University??

Looks like I'm gonna be in Montreal for a bridge building competition at Concordia from The evening of Thursday March 3 until sometime on Sat March 5. :)

I usually drop Paul off in town and he takes the bus and metro downtown. He can always direct you there if you need a place to stay. You're more than welcome at our place, you already know that.
Nixy said:
Do any of you live anywhere near Concordia University??

Looks like I'm gonna be in Montreal for a bridge building competition at Concordia from The evening of Thursday March 3 until sometime on Sat March 5. :) know that I don't live near there, but I do Work near there.
Maybe we can 'lunch' together or have some coffee...there are some very nice places around here!
I'll be staying at the hotel that the competition has arranged...$90 per night per room with 6 people per room (it's more of a suite than a room...2 bedrooms each with a kingsized bed and also a pull out couch in the living room)...and the school is suppose to pay up back when we get back from the trip. Thanks for the offers though!!

I was looking to hopefully grab lunch or dinner or a drink or something with some or all of y'all while I'm in town though...once I find out the schedule of the competition and travelling times I'll know more details :)
That goes without saying. You'll have to dinner at each of our houses while your here. Babysit our kids. Watch our pets. Wash our dishes.
Professur said:
That goes without saying. You'll have to dinner at each of our houses while your here. Babysit our kids. Watch our pets. Wash our dishes.

WHOA DUDE! How long you gonna keep me in Montreal for?! I have class again on the following Monday ya know!
Nixy said:
WHOA DUDE! How long you gonna keep me in Montreal for?! I have class again on the following Monday ya know!

Fine, we'll just have dinner out or something together. I can even give you back your hoodie which paul has claimed as his own. :lol2: It would be great to see you.
No Sushi!! EWWWW!!

No wonder I haven't gotten my hoodie in the mail!! Does he hide it when he takes it off so you can't take it and send it back??
There's a number keeps callin me late in the evening, for weeks on end, it called just now. I don't answer weird random numbers as a rule. Especially ones that call repeatedly and won't leave a message. I googled this one, and what I found was...

Manger sainement c'est simple et savoureux... Mars est le mois de la nutrition. Le 19 mars est la journée de la nutrtion et les diététistes vous acceuillent à la Place Ville-Marie pour consultations gratuites, trucs alimentation... Également offert ligne de consultation gratuite avec un diététiste: I gather that's a mall...I'm being marketed at to go to Quebec for a free consultation with some dietician? :alienhuh: wtf? any ideas what goes on there in March? do I get a free room? :D :D :D
Leslie said:
There's a number keeps callin me late in the evening, for weeks on end, it called just now. I don't answer weird random numbers as a rule. Especially ones that call repeatedly and won't leave a message. I googled this one, and what I found was... I gather that's a mall...I'm being marketed at to go to Quebec for a free consultation with some dietician? :alienhuh: wtf? any ideas what goes on there in March? do I get a free room? :D :D :D

PVM is Montreal's original "tallest building". It's part of the Montreal Underground and has boutiques, restaurants, and metro. Also, a direct connection to the Queen Elisabeth Hotel, made famous for hosting John and Yoko's lie-in for peace.

And Nixy, don't forget the card reader I gave you this time. Paul still has that too.
Professur said:
And Nixy, don't forget the card reader I gave you this time. Paul still has that too.

I didn't know that you GAVE it to me...I left it there so he could return it to you for me...:lloyd:
Nixy said:
WHOA DUDE! How long you gonna keep me in Montreal for?! I have class again on the following Monday ya know!

Exactly how many dirty dishes do you think we have?

I didn't know that you GAVE it to me...I left it there so he could return it to you for me...

So this conversation doesn't ring a bell?

nixy = "That's cool, I need to get one of those"
prof = "I got it cheap, keep it"
Professur said:
Exactly how many dirty dishes do you think we have?

So this conversation doesn't ring a bell?

nixy = "That's cool, I need to get one of those"
prof = "I got it cheap, keep it"

So, there we go. You can get your hoodie back along with anything else left at my house.
Uki Chick said:
I think it has more to do with the alcohol consumption that weekend. :drink:

I'm gonna have to go with that too...

I remember saying I needed to get one...and I remember Prof saying he could get them cheap..I don't remember him telling me to keep it though...

And, yeah, I can re-acquire all my belongings :D

I think I'm at the competition all day Friday but even if we leave on Sat Friday evening would still be godo for drinks me thinks :) Everyone in the competition is going to party somewhere at night but they'll all be so drunk they won't know if I'm 2 or 3 or 4 hours late :D
Professur said:
Exactly how many dirty dishes do you think we have?

So this conversation doesn't ring a bell?

nixy = "That's cool, I need to get one of those"
prof = "I got it cheap, keep it"
I remember that conversation ... creepy.