Allah's Wrath Strikes Again

MrBishop said:
Do 'you people' have so many friends now that you can afford to piss off the rest of the world?

Ezekiel 25:17. -The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.

Interesting sig line. Is that a reference to the how United States safeguards countries who need it---his brother's keeper---- kinda like out of H. Hyde's "Pathologhy of Sucess":

....Americans are rightly puzzled by this and by what appears to many to be ingratitude, and even hostility, on the part of friends and allies. We see our own motives as noble and believe this fact to be self-evident. We are not an imperial power coldly focused on the subjugation of others or on securing some narrow advantage for ourselves. Instead, we are frequently moved to action by the plight of others, often losing sight of our own self-interest in our zeal to make the world right. None can doubt that, for over half a century, we have employed our power in the service of making the world safe, peaceful, and prosperous to the extent of our ability to do so....

Dependence can also evoke a corrosive resentment that can slumber in the deepest layers, even with friends. This is especially true among those whose ambitions are not matched by their capabilities and who are reminded of their less-than-central role in the world by what they believe is our failure to sufficiently consult with them regarding our own decisions....The fundamental problem is simply this: Given our strength, the urgency of our many concerns, and our willingness to proceed alone, if necessary, we have liberated others from the responsibility of defending their own interests, to say nothing of any responsibility for the collective interests of the West. Many would watch the night descend on others in far-away countries of which they know little without any feeling that perhaps they should do something to halt it and that not doing so might be a perilous option....
chcr said:

Of course when the bible says to sell your daughters into slavery, they don't really mean it.

And when the Quran says it's OK to beat your wife or have sex with children or kill the infidel they really do mean it.
The Other One said:
And when the Quran says it's OK to beat your wife or have sex with children or kill the infidel they really do mean it.
Completely missed that point, huh?
MrBishop said:
Peaceful religion my ass. Right, TOO?

If you say so. You know, the distinction is that Allah COMMANDS his followers to subjugate the infidels---they do it because it is written in the Quran. They murder because they want to please their god. See the difference?
Raven said:
So what you are actually saying is it's a religion. Good call sparky. I remember not too long a go a certain organisation based in Italy sent holy warriors to fight the infidels....sound familiar? your estimation, what occured between 800 and 900 years age is cause for vengeance today. Hmmm...I guess I'd better use my M-16 to get revenge for slavery, right?

Raven said:
Whoa whoa whoa back up. What crevice did you pull that random swipe from? I'm sorry to say this but you just likened Al-Qaeda's perverted version of Islam to the KKK etc being preachers of the fucking gospel. Al-Qaeda et al DO NOT represent the Islamic faith, like with the KKK they have twisted a perfectly harmless religion (apart from Sharia law which I concede is an issue and a prime example of why church and state should be seperate entities and never the twain shall meet) to justify their hatred against other ethnic groups. Just so happens that other ethnic groups in their case constitutes the rest of the world and most of their own community too.

Whether they do, or do not, is not the issue. As long as the Islamic faith does nothing to control them, or actively works against them, then they have what is known as 'tacit' approval.

Raven said:
There you go again. 'They' have sworn nothing. The extremists that act in their name without their backing that have an issue with freedom of any kind may have done though. Again the KKK representing America's view on the world springs to mind as a simile for what you just said.

See the above. As long as mainstream Islam does nothing to curb the activities of the extremists, then they tacitly approve of those extremist acts.

Raven said:
In short get off your damned high horse. You have made no effort to research any of this in detail and to be frank you are just as much of a vicious hate monger as the people you are ripping into.

Uhh...Stewey...that isn't helping your argument.

Raven said:
Just so you know, I'm not american so throw whatever 'anti-american propaganda blah blah blah' you want at me because I really couldn't care less if I tried. I also happen to live in an area with a large, well integrated muslim community. They regularly throw celebrations for the entire town not just their community, right now they are ramping up for Eid but far from being the "hate group" you seem to think they are, they are also going to be celebrating Diwali, Christmas and Hanukah. Amazing how small minded people are when they are scared of something.

You said the one thing that gives you some respite in this...well integrated. One question...and don't say I'm preaching hate...Weren't some of those bombers on th underground "well integrated"?
The Other One said:
Just by being Muslim they condone terrorism. Why? Because Jihad is backed by their doctrine. Islam is an ideology that wants to convert the entire world, or kill them trying.

Funny you said that. :lol:
Luis said:
some twisted logic all around on this posting. disasters happen, people die - it's life. do what you can, when you can do it, do it well and live life to its fullest before you die. anyone who tries to claim disasters (or other naturally occuring phenomena) as signs of their ideological prowess or veracity is really desperate for justification that is just not there.

That's definitively not me, btw. :p
The Other One said:
Interesting sig line. Is that a reference to the how United States safeguards countries who need it---his brother's keeper---- kinda like out of H. Hyde's "Pathologhy of Sucess":
Actually,'s from Pulp Fiction.

and it's in reference to myself as an individual.
Professur said:
Y'know Bish. I really think your boss would enjoy reading some of your posts.
Yup...she would. Fighting to protect a religion which does espouse peace, from those who would use it as an excuse to attack its followers.

Muslims aren't satanists. Neither are Christians
The Qu'ran isn't a recruitment book for terrorism. Neither is the Bible.

The only way that there will ever be peace between Muslims and Christians is when people start understanding that.
Gato_Solo said:
You said the one thing that gives you some respite in this...well integrated. One question...and don't say I'm preaching hate...Weren't some of those bombers on th underground "well integrated"?
Meh, members of any extremist organisation could be called well integrated if it suited their needs. Why would I say you were preaching hate though? Thats a valid argument. All Muslims are murderers and condone terrorism on the other hand....
Why are you even bothering to debate with this fanatic? Just let him live in his own delusional world. I'm sure he'll be on the news shortly for terrorist attack against muslims. :rolleyes:
BeardofPants said:
Why are you even bothering to debate with this fanatic? Just let him live in his own delusional world. I'm sure he'll be on the news shortly for terrorist attack against muslims. :rolleyes:

:p Shouldn't you be off somewhere, stalking people wearing pants? :p

Anyhow...fanatics are fanatics, be they Atheist, Christian, Jewish, Gentile, Islamic, Buddhist, etc...They all claim that God is on their side, and they all claim that they are better people because of it. By equating the crusades with todays terrorist attacks, you make both seem comical. You cannot equate what happened 800 years ago with what is happening today. 800 years ago, armies invaded the holy land in order to take the area back for Christianity. If I recall correctly, the Christian armies were forced out of the area at least 3 times. Less than 200 years later, Muslims were in control of most of Spain, parts of France, and parts of Italy. The differences were the fact that there were armies doing the invading. Not single people who are content to blow themselves up in order to take out 10 of the 'enemy'.
Perhaps because fanatics should always be opposed, lest their retoric be seen as having the smallest grain of validity. Just as non-militant muslims should be getting themselves seen and heard as being against the Jihaders, no non-militant westerners should oppose their own militants.
Gato_Solo said:
The differences were the fact that there were armies doing the invading. Not single people who are content to blow themselves up in order to take out 10 of the 'enemy'.

ROFL. I seem to recall a certain red-coated army making similar complaints about opponents hiding in trees.
Professur said:
ROFL. I seem to recall a certain red-coated army making similar complaints about opponents hiding in trees.

Once again, they were fighting a standing army wearing uniforms...and...Those 'hiding in the trees' did not intentionally target civilians...