Allahu akhbar!!!! Islamic mosque built at NYC Ground Zero


Well-Known Member

"In your face, Infidels!"

A new Islamic mosque will open its doors just steps from Ground Zero where Muslim terrorists murdered 2,751 people in the name of Allah on Sept. 11, 2001 – and its leading imam, who conducts sensitivity training sessions for the FBI, has reportedly blamed Christians for starting mass attacks on civilians.
Mosque At the World Trade Center: Muslim Renewal Or Insult Near Ground Zero

An identified group with unknown sponsors has purchased building steps away from where the WorldTrade Center once stood -- to turn it into potentially one of the largest New York City mosques.

At the moment the building, the old Burlington Coat Factory, already serves as a mini-mosque: an iron grill lifts every Friday afternoon for a little known Imam leading prayers a few yards away from where Osama Bin Laden’s airborne Islamist bombers killed nearly 3000 people back in 2001.

The 61-year-old Imam said he paid $4.85 million for it -- in cash, records show. With 50,000 square feet of air rights and enough financing, he plans an ambitious project of $150 million, he said, akin to the Chautauqua Institution, the 92 Street Y or the Jewish Community Center.

The origins of such monies are unexplained; neither are the countries or entity advancing such huge donations. Most US mosques, including many in Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx are funded directly or indirectly by Saudi Arabia the country to which 15 of the 19 hijackers who bombed the World TradeCenter belonged. The UAE, Qatar and Iran are other major sponsors across the USA.

The money trail is an important question that must be answered by the Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg with more than a bland comment by one of his spokesmen, Andrew Brent, who quipped to the Times, “If it’s legal, the building owners have a right to do what they want.”

It is sacred ground where 3000 Americans died at the hands of radical Islamist terrorists, and now soon the streets will echo with a muezzin's call to prayer.

It’s the same as if a Shinto temple was to be erected next to the Arizona memorial.
get over it.

You don't find this act to be adding insult to injury? C'mon, tell me you don't.

I'm curious though, how can a mosque be going up when they haven't been able to start construction on the replacement hi-rise?
What does Allah mean when he says:

"Qur'an: 8:39 Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah.


How come it's always about the ones that were attacked, never about criticizing the religion that slaughtered 3,000 of our countrymen? It would be Un-PC? Is it really more PC to criticize the country you were born and raised in?? Just "Get over it?"

I don't think so. :rolleyes:
Allahu akhbar!!!! Die infidel DIE!

This playing devils advocate must be taxing.
Things like this may not bother you but
it tends to enrage others. I suppose their ire
isn't justified? Guess yer right the world is changing,
I hear Nordstrom’s is bringing out a new fall line of Burquas.
An islamic center -- one that is just steps from Ground Zero where muslim terrorists murdered 2,751 people in the name of allah on Sept. 11, 2001.


And now comes a mysterious muslim group with unknown sponsors who have paid $4.85 million dollars in cash for property steps away from Ground Zero to build a mosque. Perhaps to call it the Mosque of the 19 Martyrs?

A $4.85 million cash transaction? For property in lower Manhattan? Seems a bit low. 43,200 square feet should've gone for 3 times the price.

Where did imam Faisal, who called America and Christians the first terrorists and whose wife is on an advisory team for the National September 11 Memorial and Museum, come up with $4.85 million in cash? And where will he get the $150 million to build an Islamic mecca planned two blocks from Ground Zero?

The source of money matters as a significant part of the hundreds of mosques being built and already erected in this country double up as cultural Islamic centers for distributing literature– Islamist propaganda in fact—from Bay Ridge Brooklyn to Detroit, and for schooling growing Muslim minorities. They house Imams of unknown origin and education, many of whom do not speak a word of English but preach in Arabic and Urdu — radical messages, it often turns out.

We saw how, in the case of Major Nidal Hasan of Ft. Hood, it turned out that three of the original participants in 9/11 had listened to the same preacher Major Hasan listened to: a man with a radical violent Islamic website now operating out of Yemen to radicalize American Muslims. In such a context, knowing more about the Imam overseeing a potential multimillion mosque at the World Trade Center site is essential to the story.

NY imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

Feisal Abdul Rauf, a New York imam, expects us to believe that jihad warfare was started by the West and can only be ended by the West.

Imam Feisal, who argues for a Western style of Islam that promotes democracy and tolerance, said there could be little progress until the US acknowledged backing dictators and the US President gave an "America Culpa" speech to the Muslim world.

That was written in '04, but didn't obama give the America Culpa speech to the muslim world in '09?
Allahu akhbar!!!! Die infidel DIE!

So when they light off a nuke and kill 50 thousand plus Americans
will that lessen the cultural tolerance we have for this
seventh century throw back ideology,
or will we make all our wimens wear burquas?
Allahu akhbar Islamic mosque built at NYC Ground Zero

I dont see a problem. Its a mosque, people have the right to practice their religion, and who gave the go ahead for the mosque to be built?
seems to be another sign that, I guess...
'we lost the war'
There never was a war on terror to win, Cato. Merely a marketing campaign.
why would i give a fuck about a mosque being built?

the world is changing. get used to it.
The world has never stopped changing and there have always been and will always be those who piss and moan impotently about it.
There never was a war on terror to win, Cato. Merely a marketing campaign.


War For Oil!



Neo-con Thinktank!

Bush Lied, Soldiers Died!

Saddam Has No Ties to Al-Queda! Nor to Terrorism in General!

Downing Street Memo!

Fire Melts Steel!


Does that just about cover it? Am I leaving anything out?