Allahu akhbar!!!! Islamic mosque built at NYC Ground Zero

shit, negro, that's all you had to say.

(wow, color me impressed with your diversity, you can spreack street-hipster ebonies)

I guess its appropriate to let them have a monumental mecca in the US where they struck down the Great Satan. I'm guessing it will be good for diversity, tolerance and understanding.

Death to the infidels! Allahu Akbar!
I'll bet they have someone in mind to cut the ribbon for the grand opening ceremony.

I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.
We made them, we can kill them. Sounds fair to me.
Me too. Problem is that we don't. We treat them like a global political power and a genuine political threat. They're neither.
For the sake of argument, chcr, show me the way.
Stop whining. That'll do for a start. I don't have all the answers but at least I'm willing to discuss the problems honestly and forthrightly without all the childish passive-aggressive bullshit.

The real answer is probably armed revolt.
Thosizzle who forgizzle hizzle arizzle doomizzle to rizzle it.

Ever the witty rejoinder...

The oricinal quote is French (shich of course means now you'll dismiss it out of hand). It translates roughly as, "The more things change, the more they stay the same." It means that nothing really changes. Look around. Nothing does and nothing has despite all your wailing and gnashing of teeth. The same shit happens for the same reasons.

Definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
I don't have all the answers but at least I'm willing to discuss the problems honestly and forthrightly without all the childish passive-aggressive bullshit.

A better answer than usual. Congratulations.

You're willing to discuss things honestly until the only option we have is brought up. Violence, with these people, is the only answer. No passive agressive crap. It was the only answer 50 years ago...until half the modern world was nearly decimated. We've spent the time since then talking. These people have spent the last 1400 years looking for ways to be more violent.

Yep, the pols have, as usual, stuck their noses into the ways of war & screwed them up. Probably because they're applying modern diplomatic think to 12th century heathens. With some, after the bloodshed, talks may be an option. Right now, they're not.

As long as the media stays on the anti-war footing, the people - who want this thing to be victorious- will continue to be wishy-washy. When the people aren't fully behind something, the pols get squishy. (more than usual).

We did this in 1969. We could have beaten them...hell, we did beat them - except in their minds. We're living that all over again. We're beating ourselves with our rules (say, didn't some soviet say that already?)
Gonz you really sound like you have no faith in the good of men and even less faith in art therapy. The best of what have to offer is our best hope in the long run.

In November 2007, the U.S. government sent two terrorists from Guantanamo Bay to Saudi Arabia to participate in an "art therapy rehabilitation program." This Christmas, those two terrorists sent would-be underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab from Amsterdam to Detroit with a bomb strapped to his nether-regions. Both Muhamad Attik al-Harbi and Said Ali Shari are Saudi nationals who have become leaders in Yemen's branch of Al Qaeda. Apparently, paints and crayons aren't the best tools to rehabilitate terrorists.

Win them over with love, nurture them, understand them
:peace: :hippy:
From a Re_con Marine in Afghanistan

No one in America knew what they had gotten into in Vietnam except the guys who were there. No one in America knows what a hell hole Afghanistan is and what we are getting ourselves into...this Marine kind of gives you an idea.

From the Sand Pit: It's freezing here. I'm sitting on hard, cold dirt between rocks and shrubs at the base of the Hindu Kush Mountains, along the Dar 'yoi Pomir River, watching a hole that leads to a tunnel that leads to a cave.

No take out and pizza delivery for thousands of miles.

I also glance at the area around my ass every ten to fifteen seconds to avoid another scorpion sting.

I've actually given up battling the chiggers and sand fleas, but them scorpions give a jolt like a cattle prod.
Hurts like a bastard. The antidote tastes like transmission fluid, but God bless the Marine Corps for the five vials of it in my pack.

The one truth the Taliban cannot escape is that, believe it or not, they are human beings, which means they have to eat food and drink water..
That requires couriers and that's where an old bounty hunter like me comes in handy. I track the couriers, locate the tunnel entrances and storage facilities, type the info into the handheld, shoot the coordinates up to the satellite link that tells the air commanders where to drop the hardware.
We bash some heads for a while, then I track and record the new movement.

It's all about intelligence. We haven't even brought in the snipers yet.

These scurrying rats have no idea what they're in for. We are but days away from cutting off supply lines and allowing the eradication to begin.

I dream of bin Laden waking up to find me standing over him with my boot on his throat as I spit into his face and plunge my nickel-plated Bowie knife through his frontal lobe. But you know me, I'm a romantic.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: This country blows, man. It's not even a country. There are no roads, there's no infrastructure, there's no government. This is an inhospitable, rock pit shit hole ruled by eleventh century warring tribes. There are no jobs here like we know jobs.

Afghanistan offers two ways for a man to support his family: join the opium trade or join the army. That's it. Those are your options. Oh, I forgot, you can also live in a refugee camp and eat plum-sweetened, crushed beetle paste and squirt mud like a goose with stomach flu, if that's your idea of a party. But the smell alone of those 'tent cities of the walking dead' is enough to hurl you into the poppy fields to cheerfully scrape bulbs for eighteen hours a day.

I've been living with these Tajiks and Uzbeks, and Turkmen and even acouple of Pushtuns, for over a month-and-a-half now, and this much I can say for sure:

These guys, all of 'em, are Huns... actual, living Huns.
They LIVE to fight. It's what they do. It's ALL they do. They have no respect for anything, not for their families, nor for each other, nor for themselves.

They claw at one another as a way of life. They play polo with dead calves and force their five-year-old sons into human cockfights to defend the family honor. Huns, roaming packs of savage, heartless beasts who feed on each other's barbarism. Cavemen with AK-47's. Then again, maybe I'm just cranky.

I'm freezing my ass off on this stupid hill because my lap warmer is running out of juice, and I can't recharge it until the sun comes up in a few hours.

Oh yeah! You like to write letters, right? Do me a favor, Write a letter to CNN and tell Wolf and Anderson and that awful, sneering, pompous Aaron Brown to stop calling the Taliban 'smart.' They are not smart. I suggest CNN invest in a dictionary because the word they are looking for is 'cunning.' The Taliban are cunning, like jackals and hyenas and wolverines. They are sneaky and ruthless, and when confronted, cowardly.
They are hateful, malevolent parasites who create nothing and destroy everything else. Smart.. Pfft. Yeah, they're real smart.

They've spent their entire lives reading only one book (and not a very good one, as books go)

and consider hygiene and indoor plumbing to be products of the devil. They're still figuring out how to work a Bic lighter. Talking to a Taliban warrior about improving his quality of life is like trying to teach an ape how to hold a pen; eventually he just gets frustrated and sticks you in the eye with it.

OK, enough. Snuffle will be up soon, so I have to get back to my hole.
Covering my tracks in the snow takes a lot of practice, but I'm good at it.

Please, I tell you and my fellow Americans to turn off the TV sets and
move on with your lives. The story line you are getting from CNN and other
news agencies is utter bullshit and designed not to deliver truth but rather
to keep you glued to the screen through the commercials. We've got this
one under control. The worst thing you guys can do right now is sit around
analyzing what we're doing over here, because you have no idea what we're
doing, and really, you don't want to know. We are your military, and we are
doing what you sent us here to do.

Saucy Jack
Recon Marine in Afghanistan

Semper Fi

"Freedom is not free...but the U.S. Marine Corps will pay most of your share

Even if it's not, it's poignant
No one in America knew what they had gotten into in Vietnam except the guys who were there. No one in America knows what a hell hole Afghanistan is and what we are getting ourselves into
Thank you for once again making my point.
The Point:

The worst thing you guys can do right now is sit around
analyzing what we're doing over here, because you have no idea what we're
doing, and really, you don't want to know. We are your military, and we are
doing what you sent us here to do.